Chapter 4-Training Begins

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Disclaimer: I don't not own Naruto, all rights to Masashi Kishimoto. The plots are mine with appearances of the series scenes.

"Sakura!" Naruto called, his goofy face pressed up against her window.
The pinkette turned her head away from the scrolls sprawled across her small bedroom floor. Her eyes held a slight spark as she opened her window for her best friend.

Naruto didn't need further encouragement as he attempted to leap through her window in style. Well it was a style of you included a laughing fit of your best friend faceplanting.
Sakura roared with laughter them punched him lightly on the head for being an idiot.

"Shudup," he muffled with his face still pressed against the Haruno's floorboards.

Sakura slowly contain the laughter, into a slight well-knowing smirk.

"What do you want, baka?" Sakura question with her eyebrows raised in suspicion.

If Naruto Uzumaki was involved there was bound to be some sort of trouble.

"Well, I may have 'decorated' the Hokage faces," he quickly gibber-yabbered into an incoherent sentence.

But Sakura knew, to have your best friend and only companion for her childhood you understand very quickly.

Sakura could only shake her head at the nonsense. She could imagine Iruka sensei's face, she could bet he would be on the hunt right now.

"So if you want to hide...lets train," Sakura decided with a confirmation of a nod.

With that she began rolling up her scrolls while Naruto processed the idea.

"But Sakura-chan, how can we hide and train?" he questioned, not fully understanding her plan of action.

Sakura turned to her blonde friend with a smile covering her delicate features.

"Outside of the village, of course." she stated with confidence.

"Yeah, best friend training begins and will rise to the next level, believe it!" Naruto exclaimed but quickly covering his large mouth as a loud bang sounded on the door.

Sakura rushed to grab her fumbling, blondes' hand in an ecstatic vibe.

"NARUTO, GET OUT OF THERE!" the unknown shinobi yelled while continuing his banging on the poor Haruno's door.

The best friends share a small smile before jumping out of the same exit one used as an entry, thank kami it was a relatively large window.

The two ran all the way into the depths of the forest surrounding the village walls.

The pinkette looked around, for some reason it was familiar. Not from being here before it sent a weird emotion through the young kunoichi's stomach. Like someone was saying good-bye.

She shook it off not wanting to ruin her fun. Her eyes followed the exhausted Naruto panting and puffing on the forest floor. Naruto eyes squinted in his classic pose.

It was adorable, like a sibling.

Sakura wanted to rid these feelings but Naruto was the only one who understood her, knew what it was like to be shunned. They are together, to her as a missing brother.

"Let's begin," Sakura announced while rubbing her hands together creating friction.

She waved her hands in an upward motion in a 'get-your-ramen-loving-butt-up'.

Naruto raised from the ground, unfortunately it wasn't like a zombie apocalypse style; but you get what you get from the nine-tailed jinjuriki.

"Catra," Naruto blurted out.

Sakura was stunned, "I beg your pardon?" she questioned not knowing what he meant.

"Catra," he repeated with a straight face once again.

"Don't you mean Chakra?" she asked puzzled.

Eyes wide with interest, Naruto nodded. Sakura let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Then she began on a journey of a textbook explanation of what Chakra does, it's purpose and how it benefits and can end a life. Many questions were exchanged between the pair but finally resulted in success and finally concluded. Sakura was afraid Naruto wouldn't be able to handle all this information all at once.

"Come on Sakura lets do this!" the vibrant blonde yelled.

"Okay, let's go. Taijutsu," Sakura said while lunging at Naruto with a strong fist.

Legs. Fists. Feet. Heads, collided in combat. The two kept going, but without landing a punch on one another.

Sakura felt eyes, she could feel someone watching them spare. She rotates her stance as Naruto sent a punch right between her eyes, she lent back and only the her eyes connected with another's gaze through the bushes surrounding them.

She recognised them immediately, Sasuke Uchiha. He was far away from his home, but then again so were Sakura and Naruto. As quickly as the emerald clashed onyx, the faster is disappeared.

Sakura froze, even if it was for a millisecond. Naruto swung his foot down hard straight into the pinkette still flat chest.

Hey, puberty hasn't began its ride of face demons, a red tsunami every month and body development for the young pair.

"Oof!" Sakura grunted as she just got the wind knocked out of her.

Her body collapsed on the ground as she wheezed for breath while leaning on her elbows supporting her off the ground.

"Oh, Sakura-chan I am so sorry," Naruto said whipping his arms around everywhere.

"It's...fine," she coughed.

After a few moments of Naruto helping his female friend up, Sakura spoke up, "You've got one hell of a kick," she complimented as she slapped him on the back.

"Aha, well...thanks. I've been practicing, believe it!" Naruto said sheepishly before yelling out his triumph.

Sakura could only shake her head, it was him who distracted her. But oh well, she can kick Naruto's but later she planed evilly.

She and Naruto looked up into the dimming sky, time to go home.

"Come on Naruto," Sakura called as she began their trek back to the village.

"You know Sakura, tomorrow our teams will be decided. I hope we are on the same squad," Naruto said.

Sakura couldn't help but feel assured like it was going to happen.

"So do I, Naruto. So do I," Sakura wished.

"Sasuke the teme better find some other team's party to crash," Naruto said.

Sakura could only nod in agreement. She didn't need more drama than she already had.

Sakura looked at the sky, "I will make my clan proud, even if a boy lusting after revenge stands before me. And all of our demons face each other's rage. But I will not be alone, never again." she promised.

She turned and smiled at Naruto, her best friend and future squad member.

Time to face their team of secrets.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the extremely overdue update. I am a lazy being that deserves to be chidoried.

Please vote, but would really love to read some comments. Feedback would be amazing.

Thanks, you know?


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