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     (Jungkook's POV)

     "Jimin, Jungkook. Jungkook, Jimin." Jaebum beamed as he introduced us, slightly towering over the shorter male.

"Nice to meet you, Jungkook." Jimin smiled, tying his robe tighter around his small frame. His robe was shorter than Tae's, he was shorter than Tae. Taehyung had more-

Since when did I start comparing everyone to Taehyung. Jeez, I don't know what's wrong with me.

"Nice to meet you, too." I gave him a small smile before turning to Jaebum.


"V's dressing room is across the hall." Jaebum predicted what I was going to say, making Jimin giggle.

"Are you Taehyungie's boyfriend?" Jimin's eyes widened at me. Taehyungie?

"N-no." I immediately shook my head, even though the thought of it didn't exactly turn me off. "Does he have a boyfriend?" It was my turn to widen my eyes, waiting for the pink haired boy to answer. Taehyung never mentioned nor acted as if he had a boyfriend...but-

"Not that I know of. I just figured since you came to see him and look like his type." Jimin said casually before walking over to his makeup desk, picking up a bag of makeup remover wipes.

My face became pink at the thought. I was his type? But wait, that means Jimin knows what his type is. So Taehyung has past boyfriends who- stop overthinking!

"V asked me to meet him here, so I'm going to..." Jaebum and Jimin became engrossed in their own conversations so I just slowly snuck out as went across the hall.

"Name?" The guard stopped me as I reached the door labeled 'V.'

"J-Jungkook." He probably would tell me I couldn't come in. That I had to wait outside.

But instead he stepped out of the way, letting me open the door and walk in. I closed the door behind me, not looking up till it was closed. My eyes widened at the sight in front of me, frozen is place.

"Fuck- I'm sorry!" I turned around to go back out when his voice stopped me.

"Wait wait. Just...um, keep your eyes closed." He spoke in a rushed voice, the sound of him throwing on clothes the only sound in the room.

He was naked. And wet. And fuck! I should've knocked.

"S-sorry, I should've knocked." My face was probably a wild shade of red.

He was fucking big. His chest had been bare and had water droplets running down it, my eyes just went there on instinct.

"It's okay..." Taehyung spoke softly as I heard continued shuffling. "Okay, you can open your eyes now."

I slowly turned around, my eyes open. I looked anywhere but him, even though from the corner of my vision I could see he was in clothes now.

"Sorry." I mumbled again.

"Stop apologizing, it was an accident." Taehyung laughed, coming closer to me. "Did you...um...see anything?"

"No!" I immediately lied. "I mean...no." I said more calmly.

"Are you sure, because you're face is rather red." His voice became lower, almost like a whisper but loud enough for me to hear clearly. I looked up to see him inches away.

     "100%!" I'm a horrible fucking liar. I bit my lip, hard, stopping myself from saying anything stupid.

(Taehyung's POV)

I knew he saw. His lying was awful. I wasn't mad, but the way his face got bright red made it fun to tease him.

Well I was teasing him...at first.

He bit his lip as he locked up at me. Dark brown eyes staring back at me. I just reached out, I don't know exactly what I'm doing but...

(Jungkook's POV)

His hand cupped my cheek, his thumb pressing into my chin. Forcing me to stop biting my lip.

He was so close, so close to me. When did he get this close? If I leaned forward I could press my lips to his and-

What the fuck?!

I immediately ran to the other side of the room, Taehyung turning to look at me in confusion.

"W-we should uh...go to that coffee shop now!" I said quickly, Taehyung raising an eyebrow. Public place, with people, that's what we need. And fast, the tension in this room was too much for my pounding heart.

"There's one across the street, we can go there, or somewhere else-" I tried to fill the silence but Taehyung only looked at me with something in his eyes that I couldn't decipher. He somehow managed to get to where I was in a few steps.

My back pressed into the wall as he cornered me there.

"Jungkook..." Taehyung's hands ended up on my face again, cupping my face. I was panicking, why is my body tingling like this and getting warm? He's a dude!

"This is illegal!" I yelped, stopping his movements.


     Then he bursted into a fit of laughter, practically falling over.

     "What is so funny?" I pouted, crossing my arms. "I'm a minor, it's illegal." He still didn't stop laughing. I huffed, offended by his giggles.

     "It's not, unless we have sexual relations, then it's illegal." Taehyung said after calming down. "But who's the one who snuck into a strip club with a fake ID? I didn't know you were 17 when I gave you that lap dance. So those sexual relations weren't my fault."

     "Y-yeah well now you know, so you can't do anything to me." I tried to put on a fierce face but with my cheeks being bright red I probably didn't look intimidating.

     "What exactly did you think I was going to do to you?" He raised an eyebrow at my last statement.

     "I-I don't know! But you backed me into a corner and you were l-looking at me like that. You looked like you were going to kiss me and then one thing could lead to another. And I don't want to lose my virginity in a strip club!"

     Wait what

     Can I take that back? Fuck it's already out. Why is he looking at me like that? I just suggested that I would have sex with him! I should've stayed home. Is he going to laugh again? Or be mad-

      Don't want to lose my virginity in a strip club...

"Then lets go back to my place."

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