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     (Taehyung's POV)

     I watched as Jungkook sat, eyes closed, wind blowing through his hair as he hummed in contentment.

     "I love the beach." He smiled, opening his eyes.

     "I know, you've told me." In fact he had said 'I love the beach' 9 times since we've got here. And we've been here for 15 minuets...

     "It's so calming! The soft wind, the slow waves, fresh air, and sand." He dug his feet into the sand sighing at the feeling. I smiled at the sight, his happiness quickly infecting me.

     I glanced at my phone, checking the time.

     "Parasailing starts in 10 minuets."

     "Parasailing?" Jungkook's eyes widened with excitement, his expression making my heart skip a beat.


     "Parasailing, Surfing, Kayaking, Diving, and Sailing." Jungkook went over a mental list of everything we had done. "We've completed pretty much everything you can do at a beach."

     I had planned on simply Parasailing, then maybe going to lunch. But after doing so Jungkook pointed at the surfboards taking my hand and dragging me towards them. "Please Tae." He had made these adorable puppy dog eyes and I couldn't say no.

     One thing led to another and we had done practically every beach activity, and I was completely exhausted-

     "Energizing!" Jungkook smiled brightly. "Sailing totally boosted my energy, let's build a sand castle! No wait, Jet ski's!" Jungkook rambled on and on, I wasn't bothered by it, it was cute actually but...

     I'm not that old right?! I'm only 21! Yet this 17 year old has so much energy while I'm completely drained.

     "Jungkook." I mumbled, his rant finally coming to an end as he looked at me. Sand in his hair with a beach towel wrapped around his upper body. "Why don't we go eat and then come back for the bonfire?" I suggested the lowest energy draining activities hoping the younger would go for it.

     "Mmm, okay!"

     (Hoseok's POV)

     "He's not answering any of my calls."

     "He's on a date with Taehyung."

     "Oh, so should we do it without him?"

     "Umm, it's better if he's not apart of this. You know how passive he is."

     "Yeah, both Jin and Jungkook wouldn't agree to this anyway."

     "Yeah I know. But I can't see those sick bastards at school anymore without doing anything. We know who posted the photos now, why are we waiting?"

     "I know you want your revenge-"

     "It's not about revenge, Hoseok. I don't want to get even, I want them to know they can't fuck with us anymore. You saw what they did to Jin's locker the other day? The things written on his desk? I've tried hiding it from Kook and Jin but I know someone did something, I found Jin crying yesterday and today."

     "I know...he doesn't deserve this and neither do you Namjoon. As much as you think this is your fault...neither of you deserves this. But just wait okay, we can't go assaulting people randomly, just give me a day or two okay?"


     I hung up the phone setting it down on my dresser as I paced around.

     "Hoseok~ come back to bed." I heard his voice and instantly turned to him. His pastel blue colored hair sticking out in several directions.

     "How long have you been awake?" I asked as I got into his bed next to him, watching him rub the sleep from his eyes.

     "For too long." He grumbled, moving over, my arms instantly moving to wrap around him, his nose buried in my neck.

     "Is everything alright? You sounded stressed." He mumbled, his legs intertwining with mine.

     "Everything is great-"

     Yoongi's sat up, his gaze cutting me off.

     "I know you always act like everything is perfect and you couldn't be happier. But you can be real with me. It's okay to not be okay. Or if something's going on you can tell me you know." He said before leaning back into my neck. I didn't say anything for a moment, in shock. But then I told him everything.

     About what happened to Jin, and how assholes at school were out to make Namjoon and Jin's lives a living hell. But how Namjoon and I were trying desperately to hide all the hate from Jin, so he wouldn't get hurt. But obviously failed because Namjoon found Jin crying.

     But I told him more than that. For some reason I trusted him deeply, telling him things that only my best friends knew and even then they only knew the surface.

     (Namjoon's POV)

     "What happened Jin, please talk to me." I begged as he cried onto my pillow even harder. I didn't know what to do in situations like this, how do I make him better. I just want him happy again. His smile, I wanted to see it desperately.

     "T-these g-guys." Jin said after a moment, lowering the pillow. His eyes red and puffy from the constant crying, his body shaking slightly.

     "What about them, what happened?" I asked quickly, trying to get him to talk to me.

     "T-they, w-wouldn't stop- t-touching me." Before he could get anymore words out he bursted into tears again.

     What did he just say? They did what?!

     My blood was boiling, I wanted to yell, to find those guys right this second and beat them till-

     "P-please don't h-hate me." Jin whimpered, my anger dissolving instantly. I quickly took him into my arms, his tears quickly dampening my shirt.

     "This isn't your fault! I'd never hate you, okay?" I continued saying loving things for what seemed like an hour, until his sobs quieted down, his breathing going back to normal.

I looked down to see he was sleeping, soft breaths leaving his lips. I laid him down as gently as I could before sitting back up.

My heart ached, what exactly did he mean by 'touching him.' I want to deny it but for Jin to be that upset I know what they did.

I grabbed my phone, dialing Hoseok once again.


"I'm not waiting anymore. I'm going to kill those guys." My first clenched by my side, I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to calm down.

"I thought we talked about this-"

"Hoseok, t-they, Jin he...might've been
r-raped." By saying it out loud my whole body felt sick, I glanced at Jin's sleeping face, tears forming in my eyes.

Hoseok was silent.

So silent that I glanced at my phone to make sure he was still there.

I heard something in the background of the call before Hoseok finally spoke. His tone sent shivers down my spine, complete anger and hatred in his voice.

"Monday, on Monday. They're going to regret ever touching him, we're going to fuck them up."

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