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(Jungkook's POV)

"Hickey!" Hoseok yelled, bringing the whole classes attention to him. My eyes widened in horror, I looked up at him to see his eyes on my neck. "Who, what, where, when, why, how?!" Hoseok was still extremely loud, making me want to tape his mouth shut. I looked around the class giving a sheepish smile seeing everyone staring at me.

"Hoseok let's talk outside." I whispered sternly, getting out of my seat. The teacher I currently had was asleep and only gave bookwork so I wasn't worried about it. I quickly rushed outside the classroom, Hoseok following behind closely.

"Who?!" Hoseok spoke as soon as I closed the door to the classroom. I took a few steps into the hall. "I just...fell- and I hit my neck on my drawer." I closed my eyes, cringing at my own lie. What kind of stupid excuse was that?!

"Bullshit." Hoseok laughed, waiting for a real explanation. "One night stands happen all the time! Or maybe you have a secret girlfriend? I don't care, but you should be able to tell me. I'm your best friend!" Hoseok pouted, upset that I didn't update him.

"For the past few days you've been secretive. You don't think I noticed you've been way more tired? And you even changed your phone password!" Hoseok sighed. "If somethings going on, I want to know."

I felt a pang of guilt. I had taken his fingerprint out of my phone, I couldn't have him seeing the texts from Taehyung. He'd ask questions. But I couldn't tell him I was tired from sneaking out to a strip club. And I definitely couldn't tell him I got the hickey from a male stripper there!

"I'm sorry Hobi." I spoke sincerely, looking at him. "I got hickey from..." think Jungkook! I tried to think of something, but I don't want to lie to him. "I can't tell you." I sighed making his face fall.

"Okay." Hoseok mumbled giving me a small smile even though I know he's a bit hurt. We tell each other everything. He walked back into the classroom leaving me in the hallway.

That did not go well.

I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to think of a way to make it up to Hoseok. I guess I'll talk to him later, after I pack and move in with a stranger! I groaned to myself at the thought.

Little did I know that I'd be seeing the source off all my current problems in less than 5 hours.

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