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(Jungkook's POV)

"Jimin's so freaking sexy!" Jaebum squealed making me laugh. He completely gave up his cool guy demeanor after we had watched them perform. Of course for the entire show my eyes were glued on Taehyung. Neither Jaebum or I even glanced at the main girl.

      "Taehyung's Sexier!" I smirked, digging my hands in my pockets, the cold air hitting my face. He looked at me, an amused expression on his face. I could tell he had a different opinion but didn't protest, instead he said,

"So you guys are official?" Jaebum asked, taking the cigarette away from his lips before blowing the smoke out of his mouth.

"Yeah since about 3 days ago." I smiled, the memory causing butterflies in my stomach. "You know smoking kills." I also added on, he chucked in response.

     "I think almost everyone who smokes knows the risks." He brought the cigarette back to his lips as I rolled my eyes.

     "Where are we going anyways?" I asked, looking around the empty road. Besides for a occasional car, or other walker. We'd been walking for what felt like an hour.

     "You'll see."

     (Taehyung's POV)


     "Before you get mad just know that I was only looking out for you, I'd hate for something to-"

     "I know...just, I lo- really really like Jungkook. You could've scarred him or something." I used the towel he handed me to wipe my face and neck. Jimin nodded, wiping his face with a makeup remover.

     "You have another performance?"

     "Yep, and after that I have to help Minho out with manger stuff. Apparently Yoongi called in sick today." I explained, reapplying my eyeliner.

     "Sick? Yeah right." He laughed, Yoongi didn't get sick. The one time he seemed relatively ill he still came to work, and wore a mask. "Are you in love with him?" Jimin suddenly asked, referring to Jungkook, turning to me in his makeup chair.

     "Why the question?" I couldn't help the blush that appeared from my ears to the tip of my nose. I felt I did, love him that is. But wasn't it too soon to feel that way? I don't want to rush anything and possibly lose him. I'll just wait...till we've dated a couple months, then tell him. He's only 17 anyway, I shouldn't-

     "Because he said he loves you."

     I accidentally dropped the eyeliner, a drop of black ink getting onto the table. I looked at Jimin, looking for the joke or lie but it didn't seem to be either of those. I feel like my heart is beating out of my chest.

     "When?" It came out almost like a whisper, I waited for him to explain.

     "After the test. He said and I quote 'I wouldn't do that to Taehyung. I love him okay?'" Jimin repeated Jungkook's words, my blush becoming a deeper red.

"What if he just said that in the moment though?" I bit my lip, thinking about different things it could mean. "Or just meant it in a general caring kind of love way?" Knowing Jungkook he probably said it and didn't even realize he did.

"Even if he just said it in the moment..." Jimin placed his face in his hands, looking at me seriously. "That means it was in his subconscious, he's thought about it before."

I smiled softly at the thought. I didn't want to rush him though in case it was a platonic love at the moment.

(Jungkook's POV)

"Jaebum why are we here?" I whispered after he finished talking to the guy behind the desk. Who had multiple piercings and tattoos.

"You're getting a tattoo." He said with a smile as if that was a normal thing to say. He took a book off the desk before going to sit down on a leather couch. I sat down next to him, my eyes wandering over the store.

"Why're we actually here?"

"I have something I have to take care of."


     "If you don't ask any questions I'll buy you ice cream."

     Didn't have to tell me twice. Jaebum ruffled my hair, obviously happy with the newfound silence. I waited on the couch as he got a text, immediately getting up and disappearing behind a door in the back.

      I could get kidnapped, or murdered, I thought to myself. Maybe it's because I've never been in a tattoo shop, or maybe it's this store specifically but...it's really sketchy.

     With the guy behind the desk keeps staring at me. I can feel it, but whenever I look up his head turn somewhere else. It's really dimly lit and reeks of cigarettes and alcohol. I felt his stare again, looking up quickly. We made eye contact for a second, then he looked away.

"Stay here" Jaebum had said before he left. Well maybe he just meant to stay in the building? Even though I knew he meant to stay on the couch I found myself walking up to the counter. The boy behind it, who didn't look older than me, looked at me, seeing his Adam's apple bob as he gulped. Why is he so nervous?

I wasn't going to ask 'why do you keep staring at me?' That would be rude right?

"Why do you keep staring at me?"

I watched as his eyes became wide, they were a grayish color. He had a lip piercing and a neck tattoo that poked out of his hoodie slightly.

"I w-wasn't staring at you." He rushed, a small blush spreading across his face as he immediately looked at his shoes. I was now looking directly at his light brown hair.

"You were, why, do I have something on my face?" Maybe he knows me from somewhere?

"No, I just..." the boy began messing with his fingers, not making eye contact. I don't usually talk to strangers but he seemed rather innocent and like he was hiding something.

"What? Do I know you from somewhere?"

"No, I just thought you were really good looking is all." He mumbled so low that it was barely audible. But I heard him, my face becoming red.

      "I have a boyfriend." I said quickly, instantly regretting it. He looked at me for a second, before immediately apologizing.

      "I'm s-sorry, I just-"

     "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed." I said quickly, it was silent for a second before he smiled softly.

     "My name is Jaemin by the way." He held out his hand to me.

      "Jungkook." I was about to shake his hand when someone else grabbed mine.

      "It's time to go." Jaebum shot Jaemin a look before dragging me out of the shop.

     "I told you to stay on the couch." He spoke as soon as we were out.

     "I was only talking-" Jaebum cut me off with his look, his eyes angry. Is it that big of a deal? His eyes softened a bit when seeing my expression, he sighed, leading us back in the way we came.

      "I'm sorry, alright? But didn't your parents ever tell you not to talk to strangers?" He asked, sticking his hands into his jacket pockets. "People, especially that guy are dangerous." Jaebum spoke, looking at the sidewalk as we walked.

      "Why? Who is he?" I tried to make eye contact with him but he avoided my gaze.

      "Nobody, let's go back to the club, okay?" He continued walking, leaving no room for questions.

     "Ice cream?" I tried to lighten the mood. Jaebum glanced at me, a small smile on his face.


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