Chapter 6

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            The Prince dismisses Teran and the three cronies outside the doorway before taking me to my new room. He leads me up two flights of stairs, to the ground floor.

            We walk through relentless hallways, most vacant.

            So this is where the servants of the Royal Family live.

            And apparently the main kitchen is in here, too.

            When we walk past it, my stomach grumbles angrily.

            The Prince glances at me, but I stare straight ahead.

            My stomach betrays my personal motto: show no weakness.

            Down one long hallway from the kitchen is the door to outside.

            Bloody blades, I haven’t been outside in so long. The sunlight calls to me. The wind, the fresh air, the trees, the free animals.

            Unconsciously, I quicken my pace.

            When we reach the door, the Prince pushes it open, and I step into a blinding light.

            My first instinct is to shrink back towards the darkness, but I squash it down by taking another step forward. I close my eyes and let the sun wash over me, let the wind tousle by greasy hair.

            Oh yes, I have missed you.

            I open my eyes, and this time, the light isn’t so bright.

            My eyes fall on the Prince’s. “You may proceed, Your Royal Highness.”

            He restarts our journey.

            I look around at our surroundings and take everything in.

            We’re in a large courtyard, surrounded by two buildings opposite each other, and a big wall filling in the gaps. The courtyard is massive, like a little city. There are even smaller buildings, a stable and pasture, a training arena…everything a castle might need.

            There are people bustling everywhere. All of them smile and wave at the Prince, then frown when they see me.

            No one asks any questions.

            We take the main trail, green grass worn down to brown dust by many years of shuffling feet, and eventually end up at the other great building.

            As we enter it, the Prince decides to talk.

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