Ever After 13

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I looked at myself in the mirror I couldn't recognize who I was anymore my blonde hair was now black, My brown eyes were now ice blue and my skin was pale. Who was this girl looking back at me? Was the old me dead? Of course she was I didn't want to be anybody's fool anymore but was I Bray Wyatt's fool? I felt the tears wanting to spill out of my eyes my soul and heart was dead I couldn't get them back and I don't I ever will get them back.

I picked up the razor from the sinks surface it's been too long since I have doen this but right now I felt like I was nothing I knew that I needed to do this and feel my pain. I sat down on the bathroom floor of my hotel room a bottle of pills sitting next to me. Seth would be ashamed if I did this all over again but I have lost him I've tried talking to him but he just ignores me and spends time with his girlfriend yes they have gotten back together.

I placed the razor against my wrist and began to slide it across watching the blood come out I smiled it felt good to feel the pain again. I put my wrist under the cold water it stung a little bit but I didn't care I grabbed the bandages and wrapped them around my head. I sat back down onto the floor grabbed the bottle of pills, Put two pills in my mouth and swallowed them. I started to feel drowsy and dizzy I closed my eyes and passed out.


''Ladies and Gentleman please welcome the WWE Divas champion Ashley Lopez'' Justin Roberts said into the microphone I knew that tonight was the night where I had to explain everything and I was going to. I slid into the ring my jacket sleeve was pulled down hiding the white bandage wrapped around my hand I didn't want to worry everyone I grabbed a microphone and began to speak.

''I know, I know what's on you mind Ashley why did you do it? Why did you leave The Shield's side for The Wyatt family? The answer is they made me do it the devils for up above told me to do it I can hear them talking they are there when I am asleep they are everywhere. I always got told to follow my heart and this time I did just that they told me to find the real me and I did I found out that I belonged in the darkest side. Now I am no longer Ashley Lopez, I am no longer with The Shield I have found new brothers The Wyatt's are now my family........ My name is Abigail Wyatt I am your Divas champion and I will be your Divas champion for a very long time...... FOLLOW THE BUZZARDS!!!!!'' I said the lights went out for a mintue and then they came back on my brothers were standing next to me Bray had a big smile on his face.


I couldn't believe what I was hearing was that really my sister? Was that really Ashley Lopez? The only prove I could see to know that it's her is the title in her hand. The Shield's theme song started, I walked out standing at the top of the ramp then i began to speak.

''Ashley this isn't you, You call The Wyatt's your brother but you can't trust them I am your brother and you can trust me. I'm only saying this because I care and love you and I don't want to see you get hurt I know you're heartbroken but please let me help you. I was there for you when you was a little girl and you was confused, I was there when you couldn't make friends, I was there the first time you broke your arm, I was there for you when mom and dad broke up, I was there when you was getting bullied in high school, I was there when you was going through you depression and I was there when you needed a shoulder to cry on.'' I said I could see the tears falling down her cheeks I walked closer to the ring but Luke Harper hit her in the head with a chair. Bray picked her up kissed her forhead and delivered the sister Abigail then they left the ring. I slid into the ring and crawled over to her, her eyes was closed then I noticed the bandage on her wrist. Please don't be doing this again Ashley I said to myself on my head.

''I NEED SOME HELP!! PLEASE HELP!!!'' I shouted referees and doctors came out I moved some hair out of her face. ''Please hold on tight Ash'' I whispered I watched as the strapped my sister onto a stretched then I followed them into the ambulance going straight to the hospital.


Ever After/Dean Ambrose. (New version coming soon.)Where stories live. Discover now