Ever After 16

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''Goodnight my princess I love you with the whole of my heart'' I heard his voice the voice that I have wanted hear for a very long time then I felt him kiss my lips. I couldn't say goodbye yet I wanted to open my eyes but something was stopping me from doing so please don't take me away just yet. Finally my eyes opened it was like someone was listening to my comands I opened my mouth and quietly whispered.

''D-Dean?'' My voice sounded horrible and my throat was scratchy it felt like I had knives in my throat I licked my lips they were so dry. Dean ran to my side and grabbed onto my hand his crystal grey eyes looking into my brown eyes.

''A-Ashley? Oh my god'' he said I saw the tears in his eyes I felt like I was in some kind of movie was this reality? Or was I atually dead and just imagining it? Dean kissed my forehead making me close my eyes and some tears to roll down my cheeks.

''It's like Snow White? You know when she eats the apple and falls into a deep sleep but her Prince kisses her on the lips and that makes her wake up. It happened to us Dean I fell into a deep sleep and you kissed me which made me wake up.'' I said softly Dean places his thumbs on my cheeks and wiped away my tears.

''Does that mean I am your Prince Charming then?'' He whispered I smiled a little and tried to sit up Dean helped then he got me a glass of water which I dranked that water felt good going down my throat.

''You always have been my Prince Charming Dean, I heard everything that you said I don't blame you for what happened I blame myself for being the worst girlfriend ever.'' I said looking away from him Dean put his finger under my chin and turned my head so that I was looking back at him

''Don't say that, It's not true you were the bestes girlfriend I have ever had really you was. I don't know what I was thinking at the time I regret what I did to you I am so sorry Ashley.'' Dean said while looking I was just about to say something but the doctor walked in and looked at me in shock.

''It's a miracle...... Hello miss Lopez how are you feeling?'' The doctor asked I grabbed Dean hand and squeezed just to let him know that I forgive him.

''I feel great thank you doctor'' I said to him with a big smile on my face Dean squeezed my hand back making the smile grow which also made me cheeks hurt but I didn't care.

''That's good well we will do some tests in the morning and if everything is okay then you can go home'' he said then walked out I looked back at Dean he was just staring at me he looked like he had something on his mind.

''Ash do you think you could take me back?'' he asked I looked down at our hands interwined with eachother the memories of the day at the beach coming back to me.

''I don't know Dean I need to be able to trust you again and then maybe we can get back together'' I told him he stood up and kissed my forehead.

''I promise you I will do whatever I can to make you trust me again I will fight for you even if it does send me to heaven I am not letting you go again Ashley even if I have to wait a thousand years.'' He whispered my eyes started to water he pecked me on the lips and then walked out of my hospital room leaving confused and sad.


Today was the day that I could go home they did my tests this morning and everything was perfect I just couldn't wrestle for a long time now. I'm going to miss being in the ring I already miss my Divas title but when I go back I will be better, I will be stronger and I will win back my title. First though I had to get my health back to normall and I had to think about things with Dean. I don't want to let him go but could I trust Dean again? Well I guess we will find out.

''Good morning my wonderful and amazing sister'' I heard my brothers voice come into my room disturbing me from my thoughts.

''Good morning my ugly and annoying brother'' I said to him grinning he glared at me playfully making me giggle.

''You're only jealous because I am the most good looking child that mom has ever had'' he crossed his arms over his chest and began to sulk like a five year old. I laughed and slowly stood up Seth ran over helped me get out of bed holding my arm.

''Does the mirror say that?'' I asked with raised eyebrows Seth chuckled and ruffled up my hair helping me to walk outside to his car while carrying my bag.

''All of the time. I've missed having you around how about we go to McDonalds?'' He asked I smiled really wide and nodded my head yes it feels like it's been years since I have been to McDonalds.

I looked out of the window while Seth was driving it felt good to be outside again how I have missed the fresh air and the world. A day to remember was blaring out of the speakers I have been forced to listen to them since they are Colby's favourite band. I have missed out on so many things the last few months including wrestling but I know my mother has recorded every show for me. We parked up outside McDonalds Colby got out of the car I was about to get out but of course Colby being overprotective helped me. We walked inside, sat down and ordered our food the smell of food making my belly gtumble boy was I starving.

''So Dean talked to you? What's going on with you two? Are you like back together?'' Colby asked I sighed wishing that I knew all of those questions.

''I really don't know right now the trust that I had for him isn't there yet so I need that trust to come back and then maybe we will be together again.'' I said Colby nooded his head understanding me there were so much more to think about.

''I just don't want you to get hurt again it killed me to see my baby sister lying in a hospital bed knowing that she might die any minute. I was so scared I thought that I was going to lose you I didn't want to believe it but the doctors kept saying to me you wouldn't make it. It broke my heart and now you're sitting here in McDonalds just the old time it's the happiest thing ever.'' Colby said I felt the tears in my eyes I felt really guilty for putting Seth through that pain.

''I'm so sorry Seth I promise you it won't happen again'' I whispered he put his hand ontop of mine I looked up to see a smile on his face maing me smile. Our food came and we began to eat talking and laughing about when we were younger it felt good to laugh with my brother again.

Ever After/Dean Ambrose. (New version coming soon.)Where stories live. Discover now