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The day was long gone, when the ritual began. They stood in a circle around their god's symbol, all of them with the intention to send him a special sacrifice. As the cult started to chant long forgotten words, the room became colder and colder.
In the midst of all this, right in the symbol's center, lay a crying baby. The ritual and the cold must've woken him up, but no sign of his parents was to be seen; nobody stepped forth to hush his cries. Instead the chanting grew louder, until it drowned out the cries of the infant on the floor.
Suddenly the lines drawn began to glow as red as blood and an electric storm started to rage inside of the room. And when it became almost unbearable, the storm stopped, as well as the red glow of the symbol.
The child was gone.

With a gust of wind, a baby appeared in the throne room of hell.
Jashin had known of the sacrifice, before it arrived. But now that he saw it, he was almost shocked. They had wanted to sacrifice a new born to him.
What a cruel thing to do. Most of their sacrifices had been adults. But to send an infant, someone with no bad deed to stain their innocence and their whole life still ahead of them.
He got out of his throne and went to the new born. It was still crying, but when Jashin picked him up he stopped, his black eyes filled with curiosity for the man. "Well aren't you a little sunshine", the lord of hell said, a small smile gracing his features as the toddler made little grabby hands towards him.
The boy reached out for Jashin's violet hair. As the ruthless lord of death walked back to his throne, he took in the child's pitch-black eyes and hair. "I shall name you... Makkuro."

Over twenty years had passed since that fateful night and Makkuro had grown up to become a peerless master of the sword and Jashin's dilligent son in all but blood - though that was to be debated over. In fact, Jashin had even granted him immortality when he finally became kensei, which resulted in the young man still looking barely like a teenager. But that would change over the course of the next few years, at least that is what his father had told him.
But this favoritism of his master had caused infighting amongst their ranks. A silent civil war between those that supported Makkuro's status as heir and those that that thought him unworthy of even being their emperor's samurai.  Banquets were poisoned, clans killed and heirs exiled as this struggle forged on. And all of this because Jashin favored Makkuro, his human samurai, over the demon nobles.
But it wasn't until Jashin had gifted Makkuro with immortality that the conflict slowly began to reach the imperial household.

"Jashin-sama! We demand the death of the human!", a demon demanded - just short of actually yelling. Muttered agreements could be heard, along with disapproving sighs or humming. "Your favor of this boy has pushed a lot of noble houses and influential clans to the brink of extinction." At that Makkuro tightened his fist behind his back. Despite the fact that he was the strongest sword fighter hell had to offer, these demons still disregarded him as a child!
Jashin sat in his throne as usual with his loyal son standing right next to him, hands clasped behind his back.
While his father's face was calm and collected, the boy's was a stony mask of cold hatred. How dare they talk to his master with such disrespect!
If it wasn't for his father, he would've already sliced their heads off with his Chimamire. But instead he remained by Jashin's side and listened to the demon nobles' yammering.
When complaints were finally sufficiently made and everyone had spoken their part, a hush fell over the room and all heads turned to the emperor.
"Very well."
Makkuro's head snapped to look at his father in shock. What had he just heared?! This can't be true, his master wouldn't let himself be bullied into making any decisions in the past, surely he wouldn't start now.
"I will, if it stays your blades and finally ends these intrigues", Jashin continued, his voice ringing in the young samurai's ears like the unsheathing of a blade.
Makkuro knew his fate was sealed the moment his father agreed, so he would honor his master's decision by accepting his death with dignity. After all, what samurai would the young man be, if he brought dishonor to his master's name by disobeying his last orders to him.
Yet he couldn't help himself, but to look the man who raised him in the eye one last time - to confirm his order or to silently plead, he didn't know.
"If that is your wish, I will gladly accept a death by your hand. What better way to die, than by the hands that let me live in the first place."
Jashin had commanded Makkkuro's entire life, so the young man could only find it fitting, if he also commanded his death.
"Please Jashin-sama, there must be another way to solve this!" The young girl's voice echoing through the hall made Makkkuro's heart clench painfully.
None the less he turned towards the speaker - a young kitsune with chestnut hair and scarlet robes. "Kogitsune Akiko, do not bring your teacher dishonor in his last moments." The steely tone of his voice made her flinch. "Our master has spoken and we shall follow his orders until the day we die, as is our duty as samurai." When he saw her back down, he couldn't stand to look at her anymore and turned away; not out of shame, but out of guilt for the tears rising in her fuchsia eyes and the grief he was about to cause her.
As Jashin finally stood from his seat, Makkkuro stepped away from both the man and the throne to kneel at the bottom of the short flight of stairs leading up to it.
Despite the tears now streaming down Akiko's face, Jashin raised his hand towards his adopted son and most loyal subject. And ignoring the gasping sob of his son's disciple, he let his powers run free.
Instantly it send a scorching heat through Makkuro's body - like molten iron pumping in his veins. But despite the excruciating pain, no scream of agony was heard. He would not falter and would not fall and lose dignity, even in the face of death and his master's eternal hellfire.
And with a mighty gust of wind and flames Makkuro disappeared.


I slightly rewrote this chapter to better fit with the rest of what I have now planned out. It's also better written in general. The picture is my version of Jashin, by the way. But yeah, expect another update soon!

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