Chapter 1

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The absence of pain was what woke me from my delirium. I could feel grass tickling my skin and the rustling of leaves against my hair.
Am I seriously lying on the floor?
Birds were chirping, I could even hear the quiet heartbeat of a few nearby animals. But wait a moment!
Hold on, I'm not dead?
I opened my eyes, eager to take in my surroundings and immediately I regretted ever waking up.
Oh fuck...! Please, no!
I sat up and looked around. I was sat in the middle of a clearing surrounded by massive trees, most of which taller than anything that was able to grow in the barren wastelands of hell.
The mortal realm, seriously?
I was thankfully still wearing my clothes and, more importantly, still carrying my trusty Chimamire Muramasa - it's weight at my side calming despite it's sinister nature.
I could still remember the day I returned to the palace to present it to my father; it had only been a few months since I was gifted immortality and sent on a quest by my master to find a sword on par with my prowess and strength.
I had been so happy to be praised by father, that I felt like combusting.
But that time is dead and gone now, isn't it?
A wave of bitterness washed over me as I sat in the middle of the clearing, clutching the wrapped handle of my katana tightly.
I know that he had few other  choices and that it's not my place to question his decisions in the first place, but...
No, I shouldn't be bitter about this. He had a choice to make and I am after all only his samurai.
But was I even that anymore? By all means I should be dead, yet I was in the human realm.
He very clearly had the intention to kill me, but maybe he didn't actually- No, I shouldn't be getting my hopes up. I was merely lucky enough to remain with my life and an intact body.
Something must've gone wrong.
Maybe because he made me immortal?
But right now I had bigger problems, than my miraculous survival. I needed to search for a place to sleep before night fall.
I could still think about all of this later on.
And maybe tomorrow I could search for some sort of civilisation and ask where I was.
...And also maybe what date it was.
So I got up onto far too wobbly legs. To add to that, the moment I tried to take a step forward I felt nauseous, the world spinning and swinging this way and that.
What the...?
Before I could catch myself, I was rolling down the side of the hill the clearing was stood on with considerable speed.
My stumbling fall thankfully didn't last for too long, as I crashed, quite ungracefully, head first into a tree and stayed down.
My face hurt and I was far too tired to get up again. I could already feel unconsciousness creeping up on me.
Why am I so... weak?
But before I could find an answer to my question, I passed out.

"...-ey, are you okay? Wake up!", I felt someone lightly hitting my cheek, but all I could produce was an animalistic growl in the back of my throat, before I fell back into the void of unconsciousness.

The next time I awoke, it was to blindingly white walls and the smiling face of an old man. He had looked at me in confused apprehension until he noticed my awakening, but his efforts to hide it were useless - I had already seen his expression.
"Who-", I tried to clear my throat, "Who are you? And wher- where am I?", I asked. My throat was sore and my head aching, as if I was hungover.
Then I looked around and noticed something very important.
"Where's my sword?!"
"You are in the hospital of Konohagakure" "I don't care, where's my sword!?" The previous soreness of my throat temporarily forgotten, my brain was already working itself into a frenzy.
"No need to worry, your sword is with the rest of your belongings in the hospital storage."
Relief flooded my system at the knowledge, that nobody had tried to unsheath the Chimamire, while I was asleep.
"Now would you please tell me your name and where your parents are? And especially why two of my men found you unconscious just outside our village?"
Ah, so an interrogation it is then. Not with me, you fossil!
"In my panic I may have said that I don't care, but it is still quite rude of you to not introduce yourself, old man", I retorted without hesitation.
He smiled in apparent amusement. "Well, I'm the third Hokage of Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen," now he gestured towards me. "And you are?"
Should I really tell him? Whatever, it's not like he can hurt me by knowing my name.
"Makkuro," I said curtly.
"No surname or clan?" I shook my head. "Not even a village?"
Again I answered with a head shake, which seemed to honestly surprise him. What even is a village exactly? It doesn't seem to have the same meaning to humans.
"Do you know where your parents are?"
Now this question was harder to answer. What should I tell him; my father and master is the emperor of hell and tried to kill me, but instead I only traveled between realms?
No, I don't think so.
Then let's go with half-truths.
"Probably dead," I said with a shrug of my shoulders. But apparently nonchalantness was not the way to go in this situation, judging by the old man's reaction.
He eyed me suspiciously, before asking his next question:"What do you mean by 'probably dead'?"
"Well, I mean, that at this point in time they are most probably dead, since I never got to meet them and was instead raised by what can only be described as the worst scum you could find in any of the realms." Throughout the whole thing, my voice remained steady and unwavering. But the Hokage forged on with his questions.
"Could you please elaborate on that?"
Oh this is gonna take so long.

In the end I stuck with my little half-truths and tried to keep it as vague and unspecific as possible, while still being enough as to not make him distrustful of me.
To him I was a young boy raised by a group of criminals, who upon finding no further use for me, simply left me for dead in what was basically enemy territory. However I did not fail to mention my proficiency with a sword, though I did downplay it quite a lot. No need for him to know my actual skill level.
After that impromptu interrogation was over I was allowed to get all my things - which weren't a lot besides my sword - and leave the hospital with him.
I was still tying the sash of my yukata correctly as we walked through the doors of the building and into the afternoon sun.
"Welcome to Konoha", he said as he turned to me. When I looked around, I could see bustling streets and a lot of shops and houses.
Quite big for a village, it most definitely has a different meaning for humans. But whatever...
Aside from the crowds of civilians walking along the shops and stands, there were several strong, but quite well-concealed, chakra signatures in close proximity. It seemed like they were following us as the old man led me through the streets toward a big tower.
"If I may ask, are you someone important in this village or why are we being followed?"
I could make out the minute stiffening of his shoulders and saw him subtly straightening his back.
"You were able to sense them? How?"
Is he kidding right now? I literally just told him my tragic backstory.
"With all due respect", which is none for someone who reeks of so much blood, "I was raised to be the last man standing in any and all given situations." I proceeded to make direct eye contact with him as I continued on. "It would be more surprising, had I not spotted them immediately."
Though he expertly hid it, I could see how unsettled he was by my stare.
He cleared his throat. "I think once we get to my office, we have quite a few more things to discuss, than initially thought, Makkuro."


Thank you all for the support so far!💛💛💛 In the next chapter or so I'll probably post an actual drawing of Makkuro, so y'all know what he looks like!

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