Chapter 4

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Shown above is a little info graphic I made for better understanding

The next morning, I awoke with the first rays of sunlight and started my daily routine.

For lack of the gigantic lake near the palace, I ran 50 laps around the nearest 4 training grounds at moderate speed to get warmed up, afterwards were the normal workouts and lastly I did my katas - for both kenjutsu and jittejutsu, though I could neither unsheath my sword nor did I actually have a jitte to practice with.
The whole process took quite a while, but when I was finally done I had about half an hour left, until I had to be on my way to the academy. So I went inside, took a shower and prepared a simple lunch for today.
This'll do, should've prepared it yesterday though...
But I had been so distracted by yesterday's and today's goings-on, that I had actually forgotten about it. At least I had a bag packed with the supplies I'd be needing today.
Apparently said supplies were important enough to already be on one of the shelves in the house - but not food...
These people need to get their priorities straight.
During my silent musings I had put on my beloved black haori and simple zori sandals over the usual white tabi.
I had come to notice, that not a lot of shops seemed to be selling these more traditional clothes - That wasn't quite true, but none of those shops sold the more functional kind, most of their catalogs solely consisting of clothes for celebrations or official occasions. So I had opted to just wash my own clothes daily, until I found more of similar style.
I had however found the pair of black, divided hakama pants I was wearing in one of these stores, stumbling upon them by pure luck, but it still counted as a win in my book. They were simply too comfortable, yet practical to just give them up like that.
But back to business.
It was about 7:30 am, when I made my way through the streets of Konohagakure, getting looks from the less tired part of it's population already out and about.
Are my clothes really that unusual?
Huh... whatever. I shrugged internally and carried on, bag slung over one shoulder along with my Chimamire - wrapped in bandages on top of the talismans as usual.

The walk to the academy was uneventful and spent people-watching. So when I finally got there, I was almost glad. Only almost though - the prospect of having to spend any amount of time in a class full of children, just because the Hokage wanted to test my skills, was annoying me already.
And yet... I let out one last sigh of defeat and continued through the gate. A man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do.

If someone were to say, that the pandemonium I could hear even without entering the classroom was enough to make me wanna turn on my heel and walk back to my little cottage, they would be more than correct.
I was actually in the process of turning the other way, when I felt somebody's presence appear behind me. "And where do you think you're going?"
Oh Kami-Sama.
I turned around, only to see a tan man, his brown hair up in a short ponytail and a scar crossing the bridge of his nose. He wore one of those green flak jackets and a forehead protector emblazoned with the symbol of Konoha.
The disparity between the chilling voice and this polite-looking, young man was almost too big to try and reconcile with each other, but only almost. The closed eyed smile he gave me, lacked any warmth and sent a wary shiver up my spine. He is still a shinobi after all...
"I don't want to go in there. It's too loud", was my simple answer, absolutely baffling him. "Oh", I had to suppress a smirk at that. Very eloquent~ "Don't worry, it's not gonna be loud for much longer." Why does that sound like the others are in danger?
"But first things first. My name is Iruka and I'm guessing you're the new student for my class?", he tilted his head slightly and I was suddenly reminded of a particularly adorable dog. Yeah no, not gonna start flirting, while everyone thinks I'm 12. That's just wrong on literally all levels!
"Uh, yes. I'm Makkuro", I introduced myself after clearing my throat.
A short bow and smile later we were walking into my new classroom.
I had expected to be greeted by a wall of noise, but instead it was dead silent when Iruka and I entered. I could feel the curious gazes of about 30 or so children trying to drill into the side of my head, as I made my way to the front of the class.
When I turned towards them I looked into a surprising amount of baffled, but also fawning faces - those mostly from the girls. Oh, great. Now I feel disgusting. And I didn't even do anything!
But one pair of eyes in particular got my attention; I could see a look of outright suspicion mixed with a deep sort of curiosity in his onyx eyes, that were so very similar to mine, that for a second I thought I was looking into a mirror.
That one's definitely interesting, gotta talk to him at some point.
"Good Morning, everyone. My name is Makkuro, I'm new in Konoha and will be joining your class for as long as it takes me to graduate", I bowed perfectly at the waist. "I hope we can get along well."
As I straightened up again, I saw an assortment of bewildered or confused faces throughout the classroom, only a select few seemed pleasantly surprised. Wether it was by my manners, my general calm or just my apparently very formal clothes, I couldn't actually tell.
"Any questions?", our teacher asked the rest of the class and immediately a bunch of hands shot up, one of which belonged to a familiar blond.
"Uzumaki-kun?" "Will you sit next to me?", came his eager question and Fucking hell, how sweet can one person be?!
"Of course", I answered indulgently, completely ignoring the scandalized looks most of my classmates were giving me.
As I looked around the room again, I found that the majority of the hands raised earlier had already been lowered at my answer. The only ones remaining were a brunet boy with a puppy in his hood and red markings on his face and the stoic kid with the black eyes.
"Yes?", I picked the dog boy.
"Is that a sword on your back?" "It is." Before he could ask more questions about it, I moved on to the raven haired boy with an aggressively mellow smile plastered onto my face.
"And you?"
"What's your family name?" Whispers traveled through class as the others realized, that I indeed hadn't mentioned it in my introduction. Thanks kid. Did you really have to put me on the spot like that?
"I don't have one", I answered simply, before making my way to the empty seat next to Uzumaki-kun and plopping down on it.
Iruka clapped his hands together. "Well, I guess we can start today's lessons now!"

And thus began my first day at the academy...

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