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My name is Maple the minister of autumn of the land of all seasons and this is my tale.

It was mid summer and i was working hard flying from one place to another planning the greatest strategy possible to insure that Autumn is brought to the mainland transitioning softly from summer to autumn.

I flew over a group of fairies and slowly landed an a branch of a large red sugar maple tree, I don't exactly know why I stopped but I looked and tried to remember the last time I enjoyed myself,relaxed and had fun with my friends, what bugged me most is that I don't remember the last time I talked to my friends about anything that isn't related to the seasons, on that day i realised that my duty kept me busy to the extent that the world just can't catch up with me anymore and when I try to remember anything, even if it only happened a couple hours ago that i only remember blurs and fragments of memories.

I flew to the entrance of the sugar maple tree and just placed my notes on the doorstep before flying away, I wanted to be alone so I could think and so i did. I reached the northwest cost of the land of all seasons I always found it peaceful there i thought about my life... it may sound outrageous but I felt as if i was living half a life spending my days with my nose in books, discussing the seasons, the difference between wrong and right and i felt as if i was hollow reliving the same routine again and again from season to season, im not saying that i was unhappy as a minister I loved my job, it just felt like there was something missing.

I remember looking up into the sky and realizing that I've been wondering from dawn until noon thinking to no avail, I was about to turn back to the autumn woods to sort out my notes but suddenly I heard a bloodcurdling scream echoing across the coastline.

I stood still with my eyes open wide with panic only for half a second before I as fast as I could flew toward the commotion but as I flew closer I froze and gasped at the sight of 4 pirates in a small boat heading towards the large ship holding a bird cage with Droplet, a young water fairy rattling the cage bars as she screams bloody merry begging to be helped.

I had no time to go and get help! Or Droplet could have been lost once the dirty pirates took her aboard there ship. As fast and discreet as I could I flew towards the the small rowing boat, I looked through a small hole on the back side of the boat... I saw Droplet curled up in fear on the bottom of the bird cage, my heart sunk i knew i had to get her out of there.

"Arg we gott one mates" I heard a thin boned pirate chant.

"She be leading us to treasure" I heard another pirate say.

"The captain might even give us the day of" the other one said.

I didn't want to miss this opportunity, as the pirates were bickering I squeezed through the hole and slowly worked my way the the cage door.

"Minister!" Droplet cried in a state of shock.

"Shhhh" I whispered "i'll get you out don't worry" I said with a comforting smile as I start to figure out how the cage door would open

"Minister get out of here... thay'll spot you, go home while you can" Droplet whispered her face stained with tears.

"Don't worry about me" I said slowly pulling the cage door open.

"let me help then" Droplet said, as she pulled up the the door.

"Quickly I can't hold the door open for long" I say struggling to hold the door as Droplet squeezed out from the bottom the bottom of the cage door but just as Droplet got out I slipped onto the wet wooden boat seats causing the cage door to slam shut alerting the pirates in the process.

"Oi look you scurfy dogs there's another one" the thin boned pirate yelled.

"there escaping pea brains catch them!" another pirate ordered.

"Quickly get away!" I shouted as I got up and started to fly away but I didn't get far as one of the pirates grabbed me from the air.

"Minister!!" Droplet screamed.

"gaahh! let me go!!" I yelled kicking and struggling to get free from his grip.

"Droplet go and get help! go before thay catch you! I'll be okay" I called to her. Droplet nodded before flying as fast as she can to find help.

"You pea brains you let her get away" one of thee pirates yelled.

"Should we go and get her" the other asked

"No, we have this one if we go get her we'll be wasting captains time, let her go." the other the froth pirate mumbles.

This is a rewrite of a fanfiction i half wrote on my old account when i was younger, it's very embarrassing and a pain to read with all the plot holes and spelling mistakes 😂 so this is a rewrite for myself mostly since I enjoy reading my own stories strangely from time to time.

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