Abandon ship

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After the pirates had taken me on board the ship thay were praised for catching me. One of the crew members was ordered to leave me on the captains desk and what seemed to be a warm sunny day suddenly turned out to be a cold and frightening one, but I wasn't going to give up just yet.

Observing the room I saw the window on the other side of the cabin just slightly open but first before I could do that I had to get out of this cage. The cage was too hard to lift on my own and even if I was able to open it wide enough I wasn't fast enough to fly though the door before it slams shut again, with my hands crossed and my right foot tapping I was looking around for a new solution I saw a couple of silver coins scattered across the desk.

Reaching though the cage bars I gripped on one of the silver coins. I wedged the coin under the cage door and slowly I moved the coin to its side using the coin to lift the cage door wide enough so I can escape.

I squeezed myself out of the cage and as fast as I could I flew out of the window.

Bad idea... in the panic I flew out of the window with no sence of direction, in the confusion I hadn't noticed that I'd been spotted.

"Oh crap!" I said as i dogged the captains hand as he tried to snatch me out of the air.

"Come on you worthless dogs! The blast fairy escaped" the captain yelled at his crew.

"Get her!" One of them yelled as thay all swung there arms like apes trying to catch me.

"You do need to improve on your security, since all the faries you catch are all ways escaping, don't you think?" I laughed standing on the captains hat. Suddenly he tried to catch me damaging his own stupid head in the process.

"Awch, that must be embarrassing" I mocked dogging one swipe after the other.

"I'll get you fairy!" The captain threatened, his blood boiling.

"Next time then" I mocked standing of the boats edge about to fly away... But suddenly one of the pirates threw a glass beer bottle into the air hitting me into the sea onto a piece of drift wood.

My ears are ringing, my vision blurred as i felt the wet sea water up to my waist but the cold rushed all over me like a thousand tinny needles I could barely keep my eyes open the last thing I saw before the darkness was a group of fairies charging towards the ship to save me.. but i felt the vast sea pulling me out futher and further away from home before I slipped out of consciousness.

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