Lost and found

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((Present day Pixie Hollow))

It was the end of summer and mere days before the fairies where going to bring autumn to the main land and so all fairies were hard at work.

fast flying fairies perfecting a cool autumn breeze ,water fairies doing the usual dew drops on spiderwebs thing, the light fairies practicing there skill so there light will shine trough the red and orange painted autumn leaves painted by the garden fairies, just to name a few things.

Tinker Bell was walking cheese the mouse out to the coast so she could collect lost things to help her with her latest tinkering project, a motor boat so it'll be easier for her friend Terence to deliver pixie dust along the river side faster.

As cheese and tink arrived on the coast, Tinker Bell spotted a ace of heart deck card twisted, folded and half buried in the sand,

"What about this thingy cheese" tink said pulling out the card from under the sand.

"Squeak" cheese said in response, Tinker Bell smiled at cheese and placed the card into the cart.

"We just need a stretchy thingy to power the motor" tink said scratching behind cheeses ear, she the looked across the beach collecting bits and bobs until she found a strechy thing near the sea,

"Ha! found a stretchy thingy cheese" tink called with a satisfactory smile on her face, she turned a corner and walked towards cheese and suddenly gasped in shock. her hands shook and her heart raced as her eyes were looked onto a limp fairy washed up onto the beach just a wings length away, her hands gripping on a branch of dry driftwood.

"cheese help!" tink called as she rushed towards the lifeless body,

"we need to get her to the infirmary right away!" think said her voice and hands shaking in fear.

"Hello!? Can you hear me miss?" tink asked the washed up fairy.

"oh no.." quickly tink took off the wooden cart off of cheese and cheese tried to help tink get the fairy onto his back.

"come on cheese we need to get her to a healing talent fairy fast!" she said leading the way to the infirmary, cheese hot by her heals running as fast as he could.

As Tinker Bell flew through pixie hollow she gained the attention of many passers by, fairies gasping as thay saw her racing through, her nature tallent fairy friends spotted her and caught up with tink.

"Tinker Bell, whats going on?!" Rosetta called as she flew closer with Vidia, Fawn, Iridessa, and silv Silvermist by her side,

"wh..who's she" Iridessa said in a frightened tone,

"I don't know i found her on the coast and she is in trouble, I have no time to talk I need to get her to the infirmary right away!" tink said barely stopping to take a breath,

"we're here to help" fawn said putting her hand on Tinks shoulder as tink nodded, The six got the stranger to the infirmary and the healing tallent fairies got straight to work trying to wake her up and checking her vitals.

Tinker Bells friends were waiting in the waiting room for tink to come back out, the silence was defining as thay waited for tink to finish giving the healing tallent fairies all the information Tinker Bell had on the found fairy, as Tinker Bell flew into the waiting room she was greeted with a wave of a group hug from all her friends.

"oh hello guys, you waited for me? but it's nearly Autumn, the minister needs all fairies hard at work..." tink said hugging her friends back with a big happy smile on her face

"Don't worry about it, there's plenty of fairies hard at work I'm sure he won't miss a handful of us" Vidia said with her hands crossed and a bit annoyed by the whole ordeal

"Do you think the found fairly will be okay?" Iridessa said looking at Tink.

"of course she will be sugar plum" Rosetta answered putting her hand on Iridessa shoulder,

"right tink?" Rosetta said looking at tink for reassurance,

"The healing tallent fairy said that she'll be out cold for a while but she is stable and alive only a bit cold and dehydrated but otherwise she's okay" tink reassured her friends,

"who is she anyway" Vidia asked,

"like i said Vidia i just found her washed up on the shore, I know just as much as you do" tink answered,

"I haven't seen her around here before" Fawn said,

"me neither" Silvermist said,

"theres only one fairy I could think of who knows every fairy in pixie hollow" Rosetta said with a smirk,

"who?" everyone answered at the same time,

"Queen clarion of course!" Rosetta said excitedly,

"yeah if anyone wold know it'll probably be queen clarion" Tink said in response,

"lets go and ask her!" Silvermist said all excited.

"I'm not going to see that irritating ree" Vidia pouted, the girls where not surprised that Vidia wasn't the queens biggest fan after the thistles incident.

Okay then, see you later vid" Rosetta answered, the five fairies flew off to the direction of the pixie dust tree but before thay could turn a corner Vidia called,

"fine okay I'm coming!"

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