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Keith's POV:

Screams rip through the second layer of our house, "you gotta be kidding me" I say rolling onto my stomach. "I'll get her." Lance says as he rolls out of our bed heading to our daughters room, "thanks hun.." i mumble to him.

  Next time I open my eyes, it's morning, I have to get Kieran and Lacy up for school. Rolling out of bed while putting on a red shirt I walk down the hall. "Kman!" I call into my oldest son's room, he's 9. "Coming Daddy!" He says running out of his room. "Princess wake up!" I say to my daughter across the hall. "Daddy can you do my hair!", "sure baby girl, Kieran go downstairs Papa will make you breakfast."
  Kieran changes into his school clothes, then proceeds to run downstairs. I dutch braid my daughters hair which reached her relaxed waist.

  "You're all done, Honey." I send my beautiful daughter down the stairs to go get breakfast. I proceed to go down the hall to get my 4 year old son Clarence, he has baby blue eyes and strawberry blond hair. "come on little Clar let's get ready to see your buddies!" He hops out of his toddler bed and I help him get into his school clothes. "Clarence go see papa!" I say to him as he trots down the hall and holds the railing down the stairs, to join his siblings.

  My children are gorgeous Kieran with his red hair and green eyes, Lacy with her silver eyes and blond hair, Clarence with his baby blue eyes and strawberry blond hair, and lastly Micki and her short black hair and blue and green eyes.

  Child number 4 time to go downstairs, I pick my 1 year old daughter out of the crib and take her downstairs. She babbles into my chest as we take all 12 steps down to the kitchen.

"Papa!" She calls as I place her into her high chair. It's time for Lance to take Kieran and Lacy to the bus stop, take Clarence to daycare and head to work. "Love you!" I exclaim as they walk through the door, which leaves me and Micki alone. I put her in her car seat as we drive to the animal shelter where I'm getting our kids two puppies for their upcoming birthdays.

  Shiro's kids got old, there no fun to be around, the twins hit a hard emo phase.

  I call Lance on the way to the animal shelter,
"Hi sweetheart" he says,
"Hi Lanceo"
"What you call about Keithet?"
"What kind of puppies?"
"That'd work, thanks love!"
He hangs up on me, he works in the city outside of our little beach side town.

We roll up to the shelter, and I take Micki out of her seat, and we go in. 2 hours later, 1 temper tantrums later we come out with two Pitt bulls, one Rosie and the other Ewa.
  The kids get home from school in a hour, since today was a half day,  I decided to drive to Clarence's daycare and pick him up. So I have two toddlers, two puppies in my backseat.
10 minutes later we arrived back at home and I  took my kids and puppies inside. Our house is a 3 floored 6 bed, 7 bath, house. The puppies start running around with two running toddlers after them.

  I head to the kitchen where I can watch them still, but cook at the same time to make lunch, dinosaur chicken nuggets and French fries.

  Our kids know that their adopted but their happy to have a Daddy and Papa, and amazing older cousins.

Akemi and Ryuu, who are in high school, Ryuu says he wants to drop out of school to be a tattoo artist, kid can't draw, and Akemi whos life is a Instagram Model with 8.3 million followers and counting, their younger sister Althea who's 13 is following in Akemi's shoes and has 2.5 million on instagram.

Hayden who's 17 also, and planning on going to college for cooking.

  Erin, who like her mother is planning to be a famous scientist.

  Since Akemi made our whole family instas, my family is McClanios, and my personal is Keithhhh while Lance is matching Lanceeee, we post like family walks and cute photos of our kids on McClanios, which has a total sum of 1.1 million, Akemi likes babysit. She's not a bad kid, she just hit a emo pastel phase which unlike her brother she's getting out of. Then again I was the king of the emos when I was in highschool, I feel old! I'm a stay at home dad who runs a blog and writes books.

  A scream snaps me out of my thoughts, I see Micki coughing and Clarence screaming, she's choking! I run over and stick my fingers down her throat rubbing her back, hitting the gag reflex and she throws up the piece of plastic.
Clarence is in tears, Micki's in tears, I'm in tears, the puppies are crying.

Lacy and Kieran walk through the door and onto our island which had their lunch, by the time that happened, the whole scare was cleared up. Micki sitting in a scarf rapped around my neck Clarence eating with his siblings.

I walk to the baby gate and open it to let the kids see the new puppies. Lacy screams, "CAN WE KEEP THEM!" "Yes Honey", "Does Papa know?" "Yes Papa knows."

  Lacy's 9th birthday party is this weekend while her birthdays Friday, it's Wednesday and we almost set up all the decorations for all the kids she wanted to invite to her dance themed party, she followed in my footsteps and plans on being a pro dancer.

  Then in 3 weeks it's Kieran's 10th birthday, which he's grown out of baseball into lacrosse.
"Homework time!~" I tell them, they pull out their bags and take out all the work their supposed to do. I do family chores with Clarence and Micki next to me.

  Supper times soon we sent all the kids upstairs to play, most likely in their own rooms. Kieran has a sports themed room, and Lacy has a princess themed room, unlike them Clarence has an ocean themed room and Micki has an animal themed room.

I feel like my kids don't like me as much as they do their papa but then again I didn't have a normal childhood and a normal relationship with my father. Shiro was the only father figure I've had but that doesn't make up for parents love. I wonder if mom was here how she'd react to her grandkids, she's been gone a long time but she'd scream and love them, Shiro did that when he saw his kids the first time, I did too.

Dinner today is spaghetti and meatballs, Lance is probably on his way home from now, checking the clock which read 6:45, dinner should be ready at the latest 7:15.

Lance walks through the door, "hi hun," he says, I smile at him as he's on the way to see our kids, my phone rings next to me, as a unknown number calls, I ignore it for a while but after the 8th call I answer, "Hope you missed me, Keithy."

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