The Hunt

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(Warning Language: mild swearing mostly blocked off and not too much for the little eyes)

It all happened so quickly, first thing I New we had won the war, the next I was being kicked out of the hunt.


We were fighting monsters and Jackie, my fellow huntress got knocked down, " JACKIE NO" I shout and run to her, she had a wound in her side "Jackie come on stay a little longer, I get you to the tent" I promise and she huffs
" don't bother I won't make it, just don't let me die in vain" and I choke back a sob and as she closes her eyes waiting to be taken by Thanatos. First Pheobe now Jackie?

I stand up and scream " you'll pay for that one eyed freak!" I shout and the Cyclopes who was charging at me, I jump up using the wind to make me jump high, ( not too high though, I hate heights).
I jump on top of him and take out my dagger and stave into the back of his neck, and he shatters to dust. " take that A**hole" I smirk and continue the fight.

The rest was a blur, the signal goes and the monsters back away and disaparrate, " Thalia Grace, lead the hunters to Camp-Half Blood and gather the lost" Artemis' voice rang in my head they did it they defeated Gaia!

" HUNTERS HELP THE INJURED AND COLLECT THE LOST WE ARE HEADING TI THE CAMP" I shout and pick up Jackie wiping a tear from my cheek, no I will show no mercy even if we won.
The hunters help each other out and we find a nice place in the woods for a burial, we get ready and I start my speech for those who were sacrificed. " We are all warriors, but those gone today showed there true colours and died to save us" I speak holding back my pain, " But we must not forget them for they are to be just as remembered as any of those silly hero's, we huntresses have done great and those who died will be missed, good luck in the underworld Ladies, you've done great" I say and every one stand heads down, we all link hands and stay silent for a minute in respect.

" Thalia we have to keep moving the injured are ready now" A girl named Chrissy informs and I nod" OK HUNTERS NEXT STOP CAMP HALF BLOOD AND NO COMPLAINING ILL LET YOU PUNCH THE HERMES CABIN ONCE EACH" I shout and there were cheers.

Soon enough we had travel through to camp half blood since we weren't to far away, I run in my hunters following me behind and Chiron walks up to me exhausted, he had bags under his eyes and looked down right depressed.
" aha Thalia your here, I see you got caught up in the fights aswell, well the Artemis cabin is always open but it's a little damaged, but that's ok we have the Hephaestus children and Jason on it" Chiron informs and I give a small smile the first one in a while, I don't regret joining the hunters but it is hard sometimes knowing that all my friends are out there and I can't be with them, and I'll eventually have to watch them die, I look up to stop the tears and the hunter walk off to the cabin while I walk over to Percy and Annabeth who were helping some kids to the infirmary.
" Annie, Kelp Head, what did I miss" I choke and crack a smile and the sit the campers down before crushing me in a hug,
" oh my gods Thalia I'm so glad your safe, she's gone Leo put Gaia to sleep we did it" she sobs and percy kisses her head, i gag.
" wait Leo did it? It wasn't a team effort? Where is he?" Percy looks down and looks guilty " Seaweed brain don't you dare put his death on your shoulders! It was not your fault!" Annabeth shouts and he wipes a tear, that's what I like about my cousin to loyal for his own good.
I can't believe Leo died, bye to admit it I'm impressed the elf managed to save the world.
" Thalia! Is so good to see you!" I hear my brothers shouts and I hug him and he hugs me.
" I'm glad you made it I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you, I had the hunt to lead and now I couldn't even protect all of them" I apologise and he he smiles and squeezes my arm
" it's ok lil sis You did the best you could and that's what matters" I smile back at him and the pull a face " I'm older than you" I retort and he snorts
" no I am since your immortal"
" um no! That doesn't count!"
"Yes it does just admit it Thals"
" no way I'm older I'm like 23 if I wasn't a huntress"
"23 how!?"
" have you forgotten my tree?"

We continue to bicker when Nico walks up with a frizzy haired girl with golden eyes and to boys, one blue eye golden hair( assuming he's a son of Apollo), second one looked like a Chinese baby man. " Pine cone face!" He yells and grins,
" someone's in a good mood, wheres mr gloom?" I tease and he glares.
" oh this is Hazel by the way, she's my half sister, then frank her boyfriend and then Will my Doctor, he currently being a stubborn Apollo spawn and won't leave me alone for a second" he glares at Will flicks his forehead
" only because you should be In the infirmary, you're lucky I'm letting you do this!" Will shouts accusingly, I shake my head and they bicker walking away.
"So that's his type" Percy mutters to Annabeth who snickers and Hazel smiles at me " nice to meet you, usually Nico doesn't bicker that much but that boy seriously gets to him and it's only been like 2 hours" she laughs and I smile and shake hand with her and frank.
'Thalia' a voice rings in my head I glare at the sky and excuse myself.
" yes My Lady" I mutter under my breath.
'I must talk with you come to the big house and into the second room on the left' she finalises
And I head off to the big house with a horrible feeling.


"Lady Artemis?" I ask and walk in to see Artemis sitting in a chair and a Hunter next to her I recognise her as 'Kasey' a Newbie, she didn't like me very much I think she wanted my lieutenants band and job.

"Now Thalia I've come to an agreement and I'm sorry but we are taking away your role as Lieutenant and-" I cut her off angry
" WHAT?!" I shout and she glares, she's glaring at me? She's not the one losing her dream role.
"And we are kicking you out of He hunters" she finishes not looking me in the eye, I stay expressionless. I turn cold and look at her dead in the eye........

( ok Guys 1190 words, hope you liked it! Yes I know another book, but I loose interest quickly, but this book I will try and I date frequently, I also have an update coming to my Caleo storey! So check that out, hope you enjoyed my little cliff hanger, I'm hoping to enter this in the 2018 Wattys once I have five Chapters, anyways hope you liked it

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