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Thalia POV

The next day I woke up did the usual you know

Make my self look decent enough to walk outside.
Looking in the mirror I notice my hair is now shoulder length, wow. I seriously need to cut it. Hmmm I should do like a shave, maybe similar to that shaved sides long top. Been meaning to do that. I pick up the hair trimmer thing and start shaving the sides about cm away from the scalp and leave the top long in a swing motion like that singer P!nk but flatter and more swift.

I should get the tips dyed. Anyways- I finish my head and look at it.
Hey not so bad since I cut it myself.
I walk out and Jason stares at me, " you look like a boy" he stares and I glare.
" got a problem stapler?" I glare and he raises his hands in defence.
" hey I was just saying, I never said it was bad!" He rushes and I roll my eyes and walk to breakfast.

I sit down and Zeus table and can't help but notice Reyna looking bored at the Poseidon table while Percabeth talk about what ever they are talking about.
" Yo RaRa! Come sit 'ere" I call and she brightens and walks over. " looking a little dull Ramirez" I say as she sits down.
" how do you even know my last name?"
" magic"
"Jason told you?"
"Yup! How'd you guess?" I reply sarcastically and she rolls her eyes.
" nice hair" she compliments, I beam.
" awe good to know you care RaRa" I smile. I don't know why but I felt much more comfortable around her.
"Shut up" she mutters.
" ok so I'm thinking for our next prank-" I start before she cut me off.
" wait I'm in this now?" She raises an eye brow and I chuckle.
" young one-"
"Don't call me that"
" you help with a prank, you are in the war, it's just how it works. You're gonna help me defeat Valdez!" I finish with a grin stretched across me face. She laughs
"ok sure, but I might miss a few with all this work around camp" she admits and I shrug nodding.

" but as I was saying before-" I cut off AGAIN when suddenly a creamy liquid starts pouring on my head. I gasp and my eyes flash, I spin around at full speed and Leo has a bucket in his hands and a mischievous grin plastered on his face, he notices my glares and the grin drops.

"You have three seconds to run" I mutter darkly. " Three, two-"
His eyes widen and he scrambles away at top speed.

" Thalia? Do you wanna get cleaned up?" Reyna asks and I sigh, and nod. You know I'm never one to complain about my hair but come on, I just did that!
I walk with Reyna to my cabin Reyna helps me take off my sticky jacket.
"Go take a shower, I'll clean you're jacket up" she sighs and I nod.

Wow, When I talked to Jason about Reyna, he made her sound so strict and emotionless. But she seem great- fine to me.
I scrub my hair getting every last bit of cream out of my hair, I growl in frustration. But eventually after a struggle, I manage.
I dry up and get dressed into black shorts, Sports bra and singlet, just until I can get another pair of leggings.

"Here, I got most of it off but it may smell like cream" Reyna admits and I chuckle.
"Hey that means I don't have to put on deodorant!" I grin and chuck on my jacket, Reyna gives me a disapproving look and I shoo her to get out while I put on leggings and boots. I walk blushing slightly. Why was I blushing?! I never blush! Ok different topic, no way am I getting more flustered than I already am.

Once again I had hat weird feeling in my stomach, why didn't I get it before? Maybe I was to focused on the cream.

"Ok Thalia, tell me what's the plan for Valdez?" Reyna smirks and I giggl- laugh, I don't giggle.
" ok so I'm thinking-"


*one hour later*

Currently Leo was sitting with Calypso at a bench showing her a blue print. I honestly don't know what she sees in that guy.

Our plan is to wrap vines around his ankles (help from Travis' girlfriend Katie, gods why did Travis teach her to bribe?), then Reyna will quickly pull Calypso away- no point in pranking her, we don't want another enemy. Then after shes away, I'm gonna pour Hephaestus glue over him and Reyna will tip feathers, small thanks to Hermes kids for the equipment.

I glance at Reyna and I nod, I glance at Katie she nods. I hear Leo shout "what the fu-" Reyna pulls away Calypso and I pour glue all over him.

" THALIA ARE YOU SERIOUS, I WAS BONDING WITH MY GIRLFRIEND" he shouts angrily and I start to laugh.

" that's *laugh* not the * giggle* end of it-" just as I finish feathers are pouring onto him.
"Looking a little clucked up there repair boy"  Reyna jokes, I high five her.

" ok who are you and what have you done with Reyna" Leo says forgetting the fact he's covered in glue and feathers.
" I have no idea what you're talk about Valdez, now you might wanna de feather yourself" she informs and gives a stony face.
" there she is!" Leo shout and Reyna rolls her eyes I start to giggle. She joins me and Calypso walks over.

" what just happened?" She asks and I smile sickenly sweet.
" that my friend was a prank, and me and your 'boy friend' are in a prank war" I explain.
"Was that what Leo did today with the cream?" She asks and I nod grimly, I could still feel the cream in between my shirt and skin. I hold my self back from a small shudder, it felt so gross.

" I better help Leo, and also please beat him, he need to tone down that ego of his" she smiles innocently and I laugh.

Reyna taps me on the shoulder.

" Thalia look, Jason" she says I look over......

A/N ok cliff hanger, sorry. I'll probably edit another chapter today, depending on my mood, if I don't that means one will come in like two to three days. As you can see I try my best :)

Any ways I need ideas for pranks so please PM me if you have good Ideas. Also I'm probably gonna do two more pranks until the quest. Just a warning so you know what's coming.


Thalia Grace (After the War)Where stories live. Discover now