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Chapter 5


Oh no! "What are we going to do,"I screamed nervously at Ben. I was freaking out while Ben was very calm and patient. He looked at me assuringly as if everything was going to be okay.

We stood against the wall as the principle walked towards us. The principle was a short and plumb lady. she seemed sweet at first but after you got to know her she was horrible. Everyone hated her. She came to us. Luckily we were very tall and we towered over her. She gave us a disgusting look and finally she started with her long, boring lecture. We stood there innocently waiting for it to end . After so had finished her lengthy speech she told us both we were in detention. This meant that we were not allowed to have a few minutes of playtime or any fun at all.

We went indoors after all the chaos was over. I ran to the corner where I always sat and began weeping. I am emotional and cry a lot. All of a sudden, Ben approached me. He hugged me and said everything was going to be alright. I looked at Ben and replied in a sarcastic way," ya sure, whatever." We sat there late into the night talking and finally dosed off in the corner only.

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