The New Mission

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Sky's POV:

I sighed as I closed the book I was reading about the history of Craftia. Another knock sounded throughout the house, and I glanced to the right, at the clock above my cluttered desk; it was about midnight. I put on my sunglasses as I walked out of the room and downstairs. I opened the front door, seeing an old friend of mine, drenched in rain. He had a scowl on his face. I smiled as he stomped inside, his boots making muddy footprints on the wood floor. He had a charred umbrella in one hand, a soggy scroll in the other. I looked out into the rain to make sure no one else was there before closing the door.

"Nice night for a walk, isn't it Seto?" I asked sarcastically, and he gave me a glare, holding up the broken and burnt umbrella.

"Why don't you get hit by lightning and then try to call it nice." He stated, sounding a little tired.

"Hey, it's a rare thing to get hit by it, call it lucky." I joked. "But in all seriousness, why are you here in the middle of the night anyways, I don't think you would've walked so long in a storm with a broken umbrella if it was just a normal visit." I stated, crossing my arms and leaning against the wall. Seto sighed, as he sat the umbrella down beside the door, his free hand smoothing down his drenched hair nervously.

"Honestly, I'm going to need everyone down here if I'm going to tell you. Can you wake them up, please?" A noise sounded from the stairs, and I turned, seeing everyone already entering the room, most of them still looking half-asleep.

"No need to wake us up, the knocking did that for you." Husky said, yawning. He wasn't human, but a rare kind of sentient species called Mudkips. He turned to Seto, a mock lecture tone in his voice. "Are you even aware of the time?"

"Of course, I know the time. Now, there is a good reason for waking you all up. Two weeks ago, an archeologist and his crew found an odd building. It is so old, they date it to before even King Notch appeared. They found this scroll under the floor near the doorway. There were many more, but they were just pages from an old book, made about five hundred years ago."

"Wait, does that mean someone placed it there five hundred years ago, and it probably originated somewhere else?" Deadlox asked, his red eyes full of curiosity, and Seto nodded.

"Based on the findings, that is exactly the case. But this is all we have, apparently there were other items that were far older than the other things in the structure, but the Squid Army stole them, so we'll never know how important those items were. But, anyways, I've been studying the language this was written in, and I've finally figured out what it said. It speaks of a powerful artifact that is even more ancient than the oldest traces of, well, anything. I took it to King Notch, and he thinks this would be a great weapon against the Squid Army, if we can find it. Which is why he sent me here because this is a mission for you."

"Are there any clues to where it is, at all?" Jason asked, and Seto nodded. Jason always wore a space suit, no one knew what he really looked like, and all of us would make jokes about him actually turning out to be an alien.

"It states that the first piece of the puzzle is in the crumbling ruins of the current immortal rulers first home, back when he was still mortal."

"Wait." Ssundee stated, suddenly looking more awake than he'd been so far. "This was made a long time ago, right? Does that mean the person who wrote it could have visions of the future that far ahead?" Ssundee had visions rather frequently, but they were never more than a few days in advance.

"I thought that was an impossibility." Deadlox chimed in. Seto shrugged.

"I don't know how they knew this, or why they chose to tell us, but chances are, they were choosing to tell us, not the squids. I asked King Notch about where that home that it spoke of was, and its located here." He handed me a map. I looked at it, the village was in a sacred forest, about a half a day walk from here.

"Well, if this is a mission, we shouldn't take our merry time, right mon ami?" Mitch asked Jerome, who nodded. Mitch was human, but Jerome was a sentient creature called a Bacca.

"Let's get ready." He agreed. Everyone went back upstairs to get their things for the mission. Before I could follow, Seto grabbed my arm, stopping me. His eyes were filled with worry.

"Be careful, wherever this mission takes you. I may not be able to see clearly into the future, like Ssundee, but I have a feeling something bad is going to happen. I feel like death is a step behind everyone's door, about to knock." That was a scary way to put it. I smiled easily, to not show him how worried his words made me.

"You may have premonitions that usually come true, but trust me, we'll be fine." My words didn't really seem to help. "You know us, we won't die easily." He only nodded, and I went to get my gear, and we got ready to go. Seto said one last thing as we left on the beginning of our mission out into the stormy night.

"Don't die."


Howdy! I'm so sorry for not uploading a chapter sooner, I originally planned to at least have one chapter a week, but of course, something has to happen. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and have a great day!  

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