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Two brothers walked on a dimly lit cobblestone path, the pale full moon above them lighting their backs as they traveled to their village. The elder brother wore a brown shirt and tan pants, covered in dirt from the mines. His eyes were the color of dark chocolate. The younger brother walked behind the first, his steps less confident than the elder brothers. He wore a light blue shirt and dark blue pants, the clothing worn by the miners, although it was also covered in dirt. His eyes were the color of bright amber, that glowed only slightly in the night from his magic. They walked in silence, not even the sound of zombies could be heard, which was unusual. The older brother stopped walking, turning to face the younger brother with a sad look. When he opened his mouth to speak, an explosion sounded, just in front of them. The older brother ran towards the expanding fire that came after with his diamond sword drawn. The younger stood hesitantly for a second before grabbing his own iron sword and he begun following his brother.

They both stopped when they reached their home, now in shambles. Fires covered every house, and bodies littered the streets. The older brother took a step forward, stopping once again when a gigantic shadow appeared through the smoke. A large black golem lunged forward, destroying a house with one blow of its arm, and no doubt it crushed any survivor inside. It turned to the brothers, its eyes glowing from a purple to a dark red as it looked at them. It was far larger than any Iron Golem, around eight feet tall. It was hunched over slightly, its large arms bent at the sides, showing that they were far longer than the golem. It raised one of the stone arms, fire engulfing it. Before it could fire, a large white golem rammed into the black one, making it fall into another building. It looked like the black one, but it was nearly pure white, with only the forearms were dark grey. Its eyes were also glowing golden. The black golem shot the other with the fire blast meant for the brothers, sending it back. Smoke started to clear from this, showing a lot of golems fighting each other, they were nearly evenly matched. With the initial shock of seeing the fight over, the older brother ran to try and help the fallen white golem that was hit while the black golem recalculated itself, moving slowly to regain the energy lost in the blast. The older brother tried to help the white golem, who was beginning to crumble, too weak to even hold itself together; but all he tried wasn't successful. The white golem could see something within the boy and held its crumbling hand up to his head. A white light glowed from all the golems, transferring over to the boy, both their magic and lives. Before the last golem completely turned to dust, he started to disappear. He turned to his brother, calling out to him before he disappeared, leaving his diamond sword behind.

This snapped the little brother out of his shock, he couldn't completely process what had just happened, surely nothing was able to transfer their energy into something else, especially at such a large scale. He didn't realize the black golem come up behind him, and he was picked up with one of the long arms, the pressure making it hard for him to breathe. They spoke amongst themselves, but the young boy was unable to understand them. He tried to use his sword to attack, even though he was still being held, and one of the other golems stabbed its hand through his chest, tearing out his heart. It glowed a faint blue for a second before disappearing, along with the heart. The boy wasn't dead though, far from it. What they took with his heart was his very soul, the one thing that made him feel anything good. His memories of his past were also starting to slip away little by little. The ancient that held him put its own hand onto his forehead, and their dark magic transferred into him, along with a dormant curse. Engulfed in a dark shadow, he was also teleported away.

The older brother woke up in a beautiful castle, that seemed to float in the clouds on a small island, with many more circling around it. He sat up, at first unsure about what happened for a long time, then he started to slowly piece together what happened. He soon found out he could float and made his way over to an island that seemed to call to him. He sat beside the pond on it, looking into the clear water. He could see his old dimension through it, but it had changed. It showed kingdoms in constant wars, innocent people dying from hunger, and even more monsters roamed the land. He didn't know how much time has passed since he was teleported here, but it must have been a long time, he didn't recognize some of the technology that was being used. Looking into his old dimension, he wished to help everyone there, he had a feeling he must help them.

The younger brother awoke in a dreary palace, that floated on a lava sea. Monsters and mobs could be heard outside, and the occasional explosion sounded. The young boy laid there for a long time, not feeling anything, not even the need to move. After a while, he moved his hand to his chest, but he didn't feel a heartbeat. He started to wonder if he too, was a mob, and soon he could hear a dark voice in his head urging him to move. He stood, slowly moving around the dark and dusty building. He soon came across a portal that activated when he stepped near it. He could see a festival full of people having fun, celebrating their new king, and for a reason he couldn't quite place, it made his stomach churn. He thought it must be true then, he was a monster and his target were the disgustingly happy mortals. Upon that thought, his eyes went from a dark black to a blazing white as he stepped through the portal and into the world he'd forgotten.


Howdy! Welcome to the rewrite of Reformation, a story I begun in early 2016. There were too many inconsistencies within the old version, and I hope that this time, it'll be a bit more put together. The story may lack details at some points, and may seem fast paced, but that's just my writing style. I hope you all enjoy this new version, and if you wish to read the old version, it is still up to be read. Have a great day, and have some cookies! (::) (::) (::) (::)

Reformation: RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now