Underlying Problems

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Herobrines POV:

The door opened slowly, sliding into the ground. At first all we could see was darkness within the room, even though out here was brightly lit. Then a figure started to come into view, walking slowly. I could hear the scratching of rocks as it moved across the ground. I took a step back in surprise, it was a Light Ancient. Time hadn't been kind to it. It was missing one arm, the other covered in moss. Its face and body were full of cracks, and it moved slowly. When it spoke, its voice sounded gravelly and old.

"The foreseen heroes have finally arrived. If you wish to continue, come through this door. I was instructed to tell you that your trust will get torn and mended, you will discover things you wish to keep hidden, even from your closest companions. You will no doubt encounter death. If you don't go through, I don't blame you...but there's a chance that death will reign for every creature. Beware of the deamon who betrayed..." The Ancient stopped, and slumped over, the lights in its eyes flickering before disappearing. It started to crumble, and soon, there was nothing more left than a pile of gravel and moss. After it died, the room behind it lit up, revealing a hallway that ended with a pedestal, with a piece of paper on it. The stone floor was replaced with netherbrick, and red concrete lined the walls with wither skull heads every few feet. We started to go forward but Derp stayed on the other side.

"You all go ahead, I have my own mission to find our mother. Be safe Ssundee." He waved, turning around. He sighed and turned back around before leaving. "Maybe I'll join you when we cross paths again." Ssundee nodded, waving back to him. We continued towards the paper. It was a map. It showed a place not that far from here. Beside the place it marked out, was the word, courage. Husky picked the map up, and as soon as he did, the building around us started to tremble. I teleported us out of the room as the ceiling fell, and we appeared right beside the hole Deadlox fell in. We could see the silhouette of Derp in the distance, which meant he got out before it started to collapse.

"That was a close one Hero, are you okay?" Jerome asked, and I nodded. We didn't teleport far enough for it to drain much magic. "So, which way do we go Husky?"

"Looks like its inside the Forbidden Forest. Its not far, but, the whole forest is a no respawn zone with lots of monsters." I smiled, getting their attention.

"Well, we will be fine, I know a path through that has less mobs."

"Oh yeah, weren't you basically their king or something?" Jason asked, and Hero shook his head. "Not really, they have no ruler, but because they thought they did, they've been a bit more docile and less coordinated. No doubt, sooner or later, the mobs are going to realize I'm gone, and they will become more dangerous, and won't just walk around mindlessly until they come upon their next meal."


Sky's POV:

We headed out, and the sun started to set sooner than we expected. We made a camp right outside the forest. Deadlox didn't take long to fall asleep in a tree. I wasn't tired, so I just sat and studied the map for any secrets for a few hours, my amulet gave me enough light to see. I couldn't see anything secret on the map and looked around. Everyone was asleep, except for Hero. He was sitting away from the group, his knees up to his chest with his arms wrapped around them. He was staring at the night sky. I sat beside him.

"Aren't you tired Hero?" I asked. I was wondering if he was feeling doubts about joining us, or if he was too worried about the past he couldn't remember.

"No." He sighed quietly, still looking at the stars. His tone was distant and sad.

"Okay then, what's wrong. If anyone uses that tone of voice, something is up, and its not the sky." He gave me a half-hearted chuckle.

"What about..." He trailed off, shaking his head and looking away from me. "Never mind."

"Hero, what's bothering you?" I asked again, wanting to get an answer. He mumbled something, but I couldn't hear him. "Can you try again, I couldn't hear?" I persisted, hoping I didn't annoy him.

"What about big brother?" He looked at me again, his eyes so dim, they were nearly black. I stayed silent. I haven't thought about that, and I wondered if Notch noticed his absence yet. I finally spoke after a few seconds.

"Why are you worried about him? I'm sure he's fine, he's ruled Minecraftia for a millennia." Hero shook his head slowly.

"That isn't what I mean. I hurt him bad last time we fought, heck with every fight we've had, I've hurt him badly. What if it's too late to apologize, what if he only wants to destroy me now?"

"Why would he want to kill you? He's told me so many times that he wished he never fought with you. He did mention something about you not remembering who he was exactly, but I never realized he was your brother." I looked back at Hero, and he was now hiding his face under his hood. I could see tears falling though.

"But I hurt him...I killed every friend he tried to make, and the few he actually fell in love with. I attacked his people and burned their homes, like our home was burned. I even remember every single time I belittled him, every single time I said I hated him. Why doesn't he want to fight me after all I've done?" He paused for a second but continued. "And why am I crying? After leaving that city, an odd feeling has been tugging at my chest. I don't understand it, I only understand the negative things. I don't feel what you humans can feel without a soul." I knew he was worried about more than just his brother.

"I know we can find your soul again, I basically promised you, didn't I? And your crying is proof enough that there is humanity in you. You are at least experiencing some emotions again, and your mind was only just recently healed after so long, so I'm surprised you haven't broke down until now. If I were you, I'd do my best to fix things with my brother. When we get the chance, you need to talk to him, okay?" He nodded, yawning.

"Thank you, sky." He mumbled as he stared at the sky again, and I made my way back to my spot. I looked at the sky once more, wondering what would happen in the forest tomorrow. 

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