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There's this girl that's happy a lot
It's just the way she acts,
But on the inside she's been hurting,
And happiness is something she lacks

To her it's major, but no one knows
She doesn't want them to find out
But as time passes it grows and grows
Until it's herself she starts to doubt

Everyone took advantage of her kindness
And started to act ruthless and cold
Until one day she couldn't stand it
And somehow had to break the mold

She changed, became different
So somebody would listen
But nobody bothered to hear her words
And left her at a distance

She started to cry 24/7
All day and all night long
She can't explain the pain she feels
So she listens to the same sad songs

Her heart will shout, roar, cry, scream
But she still keeps the secret hidden
On the outside she smiles and is friendly all around
While she's trapped in her mind's own prison

One day she decided she couldn't go on
She was tired of losing everything
She wanted to end it all then
But her attempt failed miserably

She did indeed try, even if she lost
But couldn't bring herself to do it
Something in her head clicked right then
So it wasn't scarred by a bullet

Even though she was still in a cage
She wanted to give life another chance
Because maybe she could feel true happiness
And be able to sing and dance

Years passed and she became content with herself
There's something that now she knows
She doesn't need anyone else to help her out, no
All she needs is to move on and let go

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