chapter 1

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YAY!! Hey guys, I've been becoming obsessed with Harry Potter lately. Like, over the top obessed. Like every day and a different Harry Potter movie, each day. My MSN name is 'Future Mrs Weasley/Potter'. I've been thinking about the last book. Espicially the '19 Years Later' chapter and I thought, 'How does George live without Fred?'. I mean in book one, its Gred and Forge when they got their jumpers at christmas. They were Hogwarts official pranksters during their school life and then they open 'Weasley Wizard Wheezes'. So when I had my shower tonight, I was thinking these questions. And then decieded to write. So here it is!

P.S: I dont feel like writing more about Renesmee. Why you ask? Because I dont feel like it. Duh i already said that.

P.P.S: Sleep Killers coming, But I hate writers block. I know I said I had a secret for you but I forgot it!

P.P.P.S: The characters belong to my inspiration, JK Rowling. She is AMAZING and i do not mean any copyright.


I had no reason to live anymore. No reason what so ever. I would have to sell the store. No I'll give it to Ron, he will never forgive me if I sell it. After Ron has it taken care of, I'll commit suicide. I'll join Fred there, wherever he is.

They were the thoughts running through George Weasleys head. The war was over, Voldemort was dead, they should be happy. But it wasnt a happy time for George. His brother was dead. Not any brother, his twin brother. The tears poured down his face as he sat on the floor, arms drapped over the dead body. His family stood around them, tears running down their faces too. He didnt know when, but he must have cried himself to sleep. But not a deep sleep as he felt his father and elder brother, Bill, drag him to the Gryffindor common room.

He woke the next morning in the third year boy dormitries. Nobody else was in there. Not bothering to move out of bed, he grab his wand from next to his bed (someone must have bought it up) and locked the door. He rolled onto his stomach, buried his head in his pillow an cried as memories flowed through his head.


Fred and George, four years old, taking turns on the old toy broom that once belonged to Charlie. They decieded they were bored off that when Fred "accidently" ran into the tree and smashed it. They hid the evidence in Percy's room and ran off to find a year old Ron, who they found in his room. Ron sitting up in his crib they opened the door a bit, the jumped out screaming BOO!!! at the top of their lungs. Ron jumped, which caused him to fall backward, just missing his head on the bars, and start screaming at the top of his lungs. They laughed their four-year-old-self laugh until their mother came in.


"But he didnt mum." Complained Fred.

" Yeah mum, be fair! He was probably gunna start screaming soon anyway! His a baby!"

"Yeah he cries more than Ginny! And she only been here for two weeks!"

"Fred! George! That is enough! Go clean your room like I asked yesterday!"

**end of flasback**

Thee memories continued for another twenty five minutes.

It was a knock at the dor that inturupted him.

"George, dear, I've bought you breakfast."

It was the voice of his mother that had broken his wave of memories. But he didnt want to here his mothers voice. He wanted to hear Freds. He was going to answer because he wasnt hungry. But his mother wasnt going to take 'I'm not hungry' as an excuse. She never does. According to her, a nice, big meal makes everyone feel better.

He heard a low "Alohamora" from outside his the dorm. Then the door opened and his mother walked in, holding a large tray of food. Usually, he would of been able to eat all this. But today, he wasnt hungry. She set the tray of food down at the end of his bed, the went to sit down at the top of the bed. She pulled her heart-broken son into a bear hug and patted down his hair, trying to soothe him.

"There, there, dear. I know this must be hard for you if it is this hard for me. He was by your side for everything, literally. Just make sure your not afraid to let out the tears and you NEVER forget him. He wouldnt want that. We're going home to the Burrow today, and I understand if you dont want to sleep in you room tonight."

They sat like that for quite sometime. After an hour and a half, Mrs. Weasley made him eat atleast a peice of toast and the left. Her eyes red, but not as red as George's.

A/N: SO as I was saying, no more Renesmee. Oh and Happy Birthday for yesterday, my baby sister Rachel, who turned twelve. I love you alot even if we dont act like it. xx

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