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A couple days later, Leah sets down some groceries on the table. She starts putting things up. She goes to turn around, but runs into an angel.

"The hell, Uriel!" She says, backing up from him. "You scared the hell out of me," she says.

Uriel looks down at her. "Not enough hell apparently." He mutters to himself. Leah shoots him a glare.

He clears his throat. "Word has gotten around," he says. Leah bites her lip slightly. "What do you mean?" She asks, going back to putting up her groceries.

"You've been around the archangel Gabriel. He's been gone for centuries. How did you get him out of hiding?" He asks intently.

Leah turns back towards him. "I didn't do anything. It was the stupid angel bond. Don't worry about it now. He's gone." She replies, looking him straight in the eye.

Uriel smirks slightly. "I was given the order-"

"Wow, you got an order?" She asks sarcastically.

He slightly glares at her. "I was given the order by Raphael-"

Leah's eyes widen. "The archangel Raphael?" She asks, cutting him off again.

"Yes, now stop interrupting," he says annoyed. "He gave me an order for you to stick close to Gabriel. We could use him for future references." He finally says.

She bites the inside of her cheek. "But isn't that, I don't know, using him or something?" She questions.

Uriel raises his eyebrow. "Are you seriously questioning an order?" He asks.

"Well, I just think that it's, um, wrong," she says, scratching the back of her neck.

He rolls his eyes. "Gabriel, he has been gone for thousands of years. Then he pops up out of nowhere, because of the Caelesti Malum's angel bond. If we do not act quick, we'll lose him again. This time, for good. Because, knowing Gabriel, he'll find a way to go even deeper into hiding." Uriel says, pacing around her. "Therefore, we need you keep him close. I don't care how you do it, just do it. And that, is an order." He adds before disappearing.

Leah leans against the counter, pinching the bridge of her nose. How was she going to do it? He was an archangel for God's sake! It was going to be very, very difficult.

She had to fulfill her order. If she did not do it, she dare not say it. Not even in her head.

She sighed, going back to her groceries. After a few minutes, she finished putting them up, leaving some of them out for a sandwich. She grab a knife and started cutting a tomato.

Her mind started wondering off again. How was she going to pull this off? She cannot deceive an archangel. She could any other angel with just the snap of her fingers, but she did not know about an archangel. Especially one who was, well, Gabriel. She needed to plan something out, and fast. Uriel said she had a short amount of time before he went even deeper into hiding. But how in the world could s-

"Dang it!" She yelled as she accidentally cut her hand. It sliced down her palm. She shook it slightly, cursing under her breath.

She looked through her drawers for a bandage, her hand bleeding out. The dang thing hurt like a son of a bit-

Her thoughts were interrupted by the flutter of wings. What did Uriel want now?

"In the name of my Father, can you please stop doing that?" A very familiar, cocky voice said with annoyance. She turned to see the archangel himself.

She cleared her throat. "Stop doing what?" She asked, holding her hand. Gabriel's eyes landed on her hand. "That," he says, gesturing to it.

Leah looked down at her bleeding hand. "I can't help that accidents happen," she replies.

Gabriel rolls his eyes, grabbing her hand. It heals instantly. "I shouldn't feel these small pains. But I do because of this stupid angel bond." He rambles to himself. "I need to find a way to get rid of it," he adds quietly.

An idea popped into Leah's head.

"I'll help you. I can't stand the stupid thing either." She says eagerly. Gabriel raises his eyebrow. "You," he says pointing at her. "Want to help me?" He points at himself.

"Yeah, it's nothing big. I'm sure we can figure something out. It'll be easier if we just work together. And faster, since we don't...like each other. At all." She says, leaning back against the counter.

Gabriel raises his finger up to his chin, mentally considering it. He drops his hand and nods. "Alright. Let's do it. The sooner we get it done, the sooner we can say adios." He says, walking around the counter.

Leah nods in agreement. "Deal. If you find something, you'll bring it to me. If I find something...." She trails off, not knowing how to get up with him. "Just pray to me, sugar. I'll be there in an instant," he says with a wink.

"I gotta get going. See you then," he says before disappearing.

Leah let's out a breath. She actually did it. She could not believe she actually tricked an archangel.

She really did not look forward to working with him though. He annoyed the hell out of her, but she had to do what needed to be done.

All she had to do now is to make sure he does not find a way to break the bond. Even though she would be very relieved about getting rid of him, she had to follow her orders.

This was going to be the most tiring order yet.

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