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"What? No! What the hell?!" Leah exclaims, completely shocked. She glares at him, unknowingly blushing slightly.

Gabriel bursts out laughing, throwing his head back. He leans back forward, wiping a fake tear from his eye. "Are you sure? They are delicious," he says, a small grin playing on his lips.

"No, just...no." She says, shaking her head. "That would be the most disgusting thing ever," she adds.

He shrugs his shoulders. "Suit yourself," he says as he pops a Hershey's kiss in his mouth.

Leah's eyes widen suddenly at the gesture. Kiss. As in a chocolate kiss. That douche bag. He just played her. Again. "You little piece of s-"

"Sexiness? I already know I am," he finishes with a smirk. He pops a couple more in his mouth.

If looks could kill, Gabriel would be dead right now with the look Leah was giving him. "I hate you," she mutters, going back to the box. "I love you too, gumdrop," he replies sarcastically. She shoots him another glare.

After what felt like forever to Gabriel, Leah finally gets on her last box. He was bored out of his mind. He could not understand how one woman could be so....boring. Gabriel decided he was going to change that.

He stands up and stretches out his arms. "I'm in the mood for trying something new. Care to join me?" He offers, holding out his hand.

Leah glances up at him, but goes back to the box. "No, I'm good. You should be looking for a spell, remember?" She says, placing down an old horse figurine.

Gabriel rolls his eyes, putting his hand back down by his side. "Yeah, yeah, I'll get to that tomorrow. But when's the last time you actually had some fun?" He asks, looking through some old books.

"About a couple weeks ago actually. I was with Daniel. We spent the day riding around town. I enjoyed it," she answers.

"Sounds so much fun. No, that's just some lovey dovey crap you humans do. What I mean is when was the last time you did something for the first time?" He asks, sucking on a lollipop.

Leah stops what she's doing, and starts to think. When was the last time she did that? It had been a very long time ago. Its been way too long. She looks up at Gabriel. "I don't...remember," she finally answers.

Gabriel raises his eyebrow. He honestly did not expect that answer. He really did need to spice up this woman's life. Since that Daniel guy, who he was not really fond of, was not going to do it.

"Well, maybe something new is what you're needing. C'mon, sugar. Let's get going," he says.

She shakes her head. "I don't think so, Gabriel. I have a boyfriend, and people seeing you with me is gonna start some rumors." She says, crossing her arms.

He lets out a frustrated sigh. "We're not staying in this town, or this city. We can go anywhere we want! You could even go anywhere you want! I mean, you also have the ability to 'teleport', as you call it." He states, acting like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"I don't like teleporting because it takes a lot of energy. As for you angels, teleporting is just flying. I don't have wings, only a slightly enhanced angel's grace. It takes a lot more out of you than you would think it would." Leah replies, acting the same way Gabriel did.

Gabriel bites the inside of his cheek, unsure of what to say next. He always knew what to say, but this woman seemed to be just as stubborn as he was. Even though he did not want to play 'nice guy', he knew it was the only way to convince her. He was also conflicted by the fact that he was trying very hard to convince her to come with him.

Stupid angel bond.

"I know you don't really know me, but this way you can. We can go where you want, and I'll provide the transport. We'll come back whenever you want to. Deal?" He says, holding his hand out.

Leah bites her lip. Did she really want to go with him? She could just stay home, doing nothing. Possibly looking for a spell for the bond. Then again, that was absolutely boring. Daniel and Tom were both out working so she could not go to them. That left Gabriel. Uriel and Raphael did want her to be close to him.

She takes a deep breath. "Fine," she says as she shakes his hand. His hand felt warm and soft, but slightly callused. She had no clue how he had calluses because he seemed to do nothing, but eat a sick amount of candy and a whole lot of pranks.

He pulls her into him, surprising Leah. He smirks, looking down at her. She goes to say something, but is interrupted when Gabriel reappears in a different location.

She pushes him off of her, taking in her surroundings. "Where are we?" She asks, looking around.

"We are in Spain, sugar."

Leah looks around in amazement. She never knew how wonderful Spain looked. The buildings looked amazing. She realized that they were on a roof of a tall building.

Cautiously, she walked to the edge and looked down at all of the people. She absolutely loved it.

Gabriel watches her in amusement. Spain was one of his personal favorite countries. He thought she would enjoy it as much as he did.

"So, what new thing should we do first?" He asks, rubbing his hands together excitedly.

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