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Gabriel had went off to dance with all the single women there, or at least that was his goal. He left Leah to wonder around the manchin. Even though he did not want to admit it, Leah was pretty good looking while wearing that dress. Black defiantly suited her very well. Hell, he might as well go ahead and say that he thought she was attractive anyway.

He did not see her in anyway attracted to him though. He thought of their relationship as a platonic one. It was nothing more, and there was never going to be more.

She even had a boyfriend he might add. They had been together for almost two years now from what Leah had told him. There was defiantly going to be a proposal and wedding soon.

Gabriel did not really understand the whole concept of marriage, but his father wanted it to happen. He would like to say he respected it, but he had little respect for humanity itself. Sure, he loved the women, but most of them were the ones he would conjure up when he felt bored. He also enjoyed playing jokes on the oblivious people. He still could not find out the reason why his father wanted him to love them more that him. Gabriel wanted to fulfill his father's wish, but it was difficult. At least he did not react like Lucifer did.

On the other hand, he loved playing the role of Loki for his cover. The god was very much like him when it came to his personality. He was glad he found the pagan god.

The woman Gabriel was currently dancing with was starting to become a little boring. His eyes found another lonely woman across the room. A smirk appeared on his lips when that said woman was now the one dancing with him.

On the other side of the house, Leah was climbing up the long stairs that led up to even more of the extravagant home. Halfway there, there was a chain across it with a sign that said 'No Entering'.

She looked around, making sure no one was paying any attention to her. When the coast was clear, she ducked under the chain and continued on with her exploration of the manchin.

There were amazing statues, and fascinating paintings along the halls. She traveled up and down them, examining every one of them.

As she looks briefly at some paintings, one catches her eye. It was a painting of a girl in a white dress falling from the sun and clouds. It appeared that she was falling into the darkness, arms coming from it, ready to catch her. She looked closely at the girl, her expression blank.

Leah looked down to read the plaque that was under the mesmerizing painting. Her eyes widened at the words, 'Heavenly Evil by Anonymous'. She could not believe what she was looking at.

She quickly turned around, desperately wanting to get away from it. Leah then collided with Gabriel, who had just came up there to find her. He stumbled back a little.

"Why are you in a rush?" He questioned, looking at her confused. Leah looked down from him, just wanting to get far from that painting.

Gabriel looked up to see the painting on the wall in front of them. His face softened in realization. He looked back down at her.

Leah pushed past him and returned to the party downstairs. Gabriel followed her. He found her again leaning against a wall, her arms crossed tightly against her. He walked over to her.

"There's no need to be so tense. Just relax for once in your short life! Lighten up! At least enjoy the music." Gabriel exclaimed, grabbing a glass of champagne from a tray from a passing waiter.

She bit her lip in thought. "How can I enjoy the music if I don't even understand what they're saying?" She finally piped up.

Gabriel swiftly finished the champagne, and wiggled his eyebrows as the current song stopped. The song was replaced by Escape (The Pina Colada Song) by Rupert Holmes. Leah laughed at the confused and angry faces the people were making.

One of the servants tried to turn it off, but the song continued to play. Leah laughed even harder at the now terrified expressions.

"Let's make it more exciting, shall we?" Gabriel whispered to her before pointing at the chandelier. The chandelier was replaced by a giant disco ball. Different colored lights started flashing everywhere. The song was now changed to Shake Your Groove Thing by Peaches and Herb.

People started freaking out then. They were moving around frantically, trying their hardest to get out of the manchin.

"It's a devil, Señor! It's the devil!" One man shouted to who seemed to be the owner. Leah shook her head at his assumption.

Gabriel chuckled to himself. "Watch this," he whispered. The horrid painting that Leah hated was now in the room with them. The painting however, was replaced with a stick figure with wings and a halo, strumming a harp.

The owner started yelling vulgar words in Spanish furiously. Leah laughed more than she already was. Gabriel turned to her. "Anything you'd like to add?" He asked, his smirk plastered on his lips once again.

Leah looked around thoughtfully, thinking of something she could add. An idea quickly popped into her head. She concentrated on a wall, and it started shaking.

All of a sudden, pipes busted and water came out of the walls. The water flooded the floor, and people started slipping and falling on the slippery floor.

Gabriel looked at her impressed. "I honestly didn't think you were capable of doing something this...distructive." He said, nodding his head in approval.

"Well, Mr. Lopez, I'm not always so stuck up as you claim me to be." She replied with a small smirk. Leah averted her attention back to the falling people.

Gabriel was shocked at her actions. He thought that she would tell him to stop, even though he did not do any harm like he usually does. She was the one who actually caused the small flood. He was impressed and surprised at the same time.

She started laughing again at the falling people, and Gabriel realized today was the first day he had ever heard her laugh. She seemed so serious all the time. Maybe she truly did need this.

Outside, the sun was coming up and Leah, for the first time that night, thought about the time. In Michigan it was probably real late.

"Let's go, Gabriel," she says, grabbing his arm. Gabriel nods and teleports back to her apartment.

Leah and Gabriel were back in their clothes that they had on earlier now. She stretched out her arms exhaustively.

"Y'know," Gabriel spoke up. Leah looked up at him. "I think I should've worn a moustache. It would've complemented my outfit perfectly." He says thoughtfully.

Leah shook her head, laughing. "Yes, you should've," she agrees. Gabriel laughs slightly with her.

She immediately stops laughing when she spots a dark figure watching them from the couch.

Daniel stands up and crosses his arms, anger clouding up his crystal blue eyes.

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