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Snake prince! Jimin x human! Yoongi
-slight(?) smut

Yoongi laid on the large king sized bed that was covered in satin sheets. He wrapped an arm around one of the many pillows that accustomed the bed. His black hair messily splayed around his face and on the pillows. And Yoongi's milky skin was showcased with a black sleeping dress.

Suddenly he heard a hiss and something slither onto the bed before it climbing on his exposed arm. Yoongi smiled and turned his head to see the head of  a boa constrictor. Jimin's snake.

The onyx haired man reached over and petted the boa on the head, letting out a small hum. The snake moved closer to Yoongi subconsciously, loving the affection from him. He kept petting the snake, his fuzzy mind slowly coming back to whatever state he was in when he felt the bed dip when more weight came on.

"Yoongi-ah." He craned his head more, looking to see Jimin laying next to him. He was changed out of his fancy attire and was only in plain sleeping clothes, his hair still calm and tamed but had a few strands out of place.

"Hello, Jimin-ssi." Yoongi said to the other man, moving to see the other comfortably while also trying not to hurt the boa that lay on him. "Excited for tomorrow?"

"I guess. I'm more afraid than anything." Jimin admitted as he gave a small smile.

"Don't be. You are going to do great. This is your coronation, after all." Yoongi told and leaned up to peck him on the lips. 

"I know. I just do not want to mess up. The whole country will be here." Jimin said as his smile faltered.

"And the whole country shall see a wonderful and good looking man become the most amazing king. They'll be grateful to have you take your father's place." Yoongi encouraged, his hands playing with the collar of the shirt Jimin was wearing.

"Did I ever tell you how exquisite you look with my snakes on you?" Jimin asked, trying to change the subject.

The smaller male didn't even realize another one was on him, suddenly seeing two of them wrapped around his legs, torso, and arms. "Don't change the subject. And yes, you have told me before."

"Really? Does not seem so. I guess I have to tell you more often." Jimin said as he cupped Yoongi's face and kissed him. Yoongi quickly kissed back, mouth opening to let Jimin have access to his mouth.

After a minute the two pulled away, lips swollen and slicked with saliva.

"Don't change the subject like that. I am being serious. You're going to do fantastic. How can't you? You are meant to rule. It is in your eyes." He told the soon to be king as he looked deeply into the chocolate pools that almost seemed endless.

Jimin let out a defeated sigh. "Fine. You win." He said and moved a few pieces of hair out of Yoongi's face.

"Good. You have to believe in yourself. I and the rest of the kingdom know you can do it. Your hard work proves it. Now show the people that you can." Yoongi looked at the other lovingly, eyes twinkling in the moonlight that was casted in from the windows.

"How are you so good with words?" Jimin asked and kissed Yoongi on top of his head.

"I don't know. I guess I just am." Yoongi told before being reminded of something. "Did you finish your speech?"

"Yes. I would let you read it but I want to keep it a surprise for later." Jimin remarked, seeing Yoongi's face become confused.

"Why would you want to keep it a surprise?" He quirked, wondering.

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