Chapter 6~ P'il Chae

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         FIRST PERIOD IS EARTH SCIENCE. I cling to my school books as I trek inside the classroom. I find my seat in the last row, at the far end of the classroom. It's the nicest spot in the entire room. It's by the windows that look outward onto a dry grassy patch surrounded by low, stout stone walls.  It's great in the summer when the windows are open. I'm always greeted with a fresh dewy breeze.

        I lay my books on the lab station and lift myself onto a stool. I'm waiting for the final bell to sound. When I cross my legs, I'm reminded that my formerly white socks are tinged an earthy tan and dripping.  Thanks, Ki.
This really wouldn't be a big deal if I was wearing pants like any normal student. However, I've been forced to dawn a navy plaid miniskirt as my schools uniform. The skirt balances the awfulness of the sweaters decorated with the abbreviation of the school name and our school mascot. Who, and I can't make this up, is a literal cob of corn with appendages.

     Mr. Hyun enters the classroom from a back storage closet. His 'tears of my students' mug is present in his left hand, while a thick stack of files is tottering in the other. He drops the entire stack on his desk with reeking exhaustion.
     "Alright, there's a new student coming in today." Mr. Hyun sighs because it's Monday and he doesn't want to be here. He flips through some papers and takes sips of his brew in between pages. Murmurs circulate the room like a wave.
    "Who is it?" A jock asks from the back row.
Mr. Hyun inclines one arm on his desk and crosses his foot, while still clutching his life support of coffee.
     "If I knew that, dont'cha think I would tell you?" He says with a 'it-may-be-five-minutes-into-the-school-day-but-I'm-beyond-ready-to-go-home-now' tone. The student sits down submissively.
   "Now! Let's take some boring notes." He throws one hand up for dramatic effect.
Mr. Hyun reaches for a red marker and begins to write something on the whiteboard."Topographic Maps," He taps the words with surging pride. Yet, his face quickly goes stale upon viewing the entirety of the class again.
   "Its something, I'm sure, won't pertain to any of you. Given the supporting repetition of the '40s and 60's that this class seems to produce." He speaks with death in his voice.
He's not wrong though, this period houses a good slice of the population of slackers who dwell at Gugeum High School.
    "But hey! Don't sweat it, if I could have it my way I wouldn't teach it. But I do, so we'll just suffer this together." He flashes his teeth into a greatly forced smile. All I can think about is how much I want him to close his crooked, yellowed mouth.

Mr. Hyun starts to pass out a note packet and tells us to grab a textbook from the back rack and get working. Crowds of feet scuff to the shelves to snatch the most mint-conditioned textbooks while the other half of us wait to get whatever is left.

    The class period stays fairly noise-less. Pencils marking paper and creaking chairs are the only symphony being conducted. But a new conductor steps in when the classroom door breaches open and a man walks in.  The new student.

       I watch him approach Mr. Hyun with a slip of pink paper tightly folded in his palm. He puts the scrunched pass on his desk and waits patiently for Mr. Hyun. He's anticipating the teacher to introduce him as the new student or greet him, but it's clear Mr. teacher could give less of a fuck about him.

The new students gives up and looks around the room. His brown eyes immediately lock on me like I'm prey. Weirdly, on the tip of my tongue, there's something vague about him. It's something similar to someone I've seen before but I can't pin it exactly. It's driving me fucking insane. The new guy has a puzzled look plastered to his skull but it mutates it into a look of happiness. He travels toward where I'm sitting and I'm getting nervous. The blood underneath my skin is overwhelming in my veins. I can't help but feel unusually jumpy like I need to exit out the nearest window within the next second. But why?

Since the thrift store incident, I'm less brave. And it's taking forever to bring it back. And I'm praying this new kid won't cause me any trouble.

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