Chapter 17- P'il Chae

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    I LEFT JIMIN ALONE IN THE ALLEYWAY, feeling a great cut go through my heart for him. That cut grew into a slash with every step that took me farther away from him. And in its own way, I could hear his heart breaking too, as easily as a twig.

    It wasn't hard to notice how the climate turned thicker and cooler, almost wintry. The sourness of our parting spoiled the atmosphere of ardent expectations.  Squeezing my limbs, I try and relieve the numbness that's softly trying to creep back into my veins.


    The juxtaposition of the warmth of the motel lobby sends more chills down my spine than the drubbing of the winds outside. I slip off my shoes, and creep across the carpet, praying silently that I don't catch Mr. Hyucks attention from the back room, despite having  wads of cash sitting patiently in my pocket that could pay off small parts of my debt.

On my way back to the motel, I thought long and hard about the money. It's a lot of cash for sure, and the possibilities it holds are endless. Now, which path I choose for said tender is a much tougher dilema than acquiring it. Should I continue to spends many of my young years trying to pay off my enormous debt to Mr.Hyuk? Or... should I take the money and leave. Leave Korea and start a whole new life. Maybe, I'll escape to France. It sounds nice there. They have croissants. I love croissants.
But, another thought creeped into my head. I could use the money and leave, just as the previous plan, but instead I take Jimin with me.

No, that's ridiculous Chae, I think to myself. He would never go. How could he? That's a big proposition for him. Hell, that's a big proposition for anyone.

Thinking I opened my apartment door with ease, I try to slip inside, but a rough hand bars the door shut. I seize up, feeling my muscles snap tightly like a small rubber band.
"Hello..... little girl. You think you are slick, huh? I know you got my money..." An older, scraggly voice growls.
I feel him smirking. It's enough to send shudders, like a million needles down the length of my spine. For the first time in my life....I'm afraid to turn around. Weakened by my fight and my encounter with Jimin, I find myself meek and vulnerable to the emotions I wish never existed. I feel his cold lanky fingers snake through the back of my hair. I squeeze my eyes closed, with the chilling expectancy of a tight pull at my scalp. Mr. Hyucks fingers curls around some of my damp locks. I feel his breathe grow hotter, reeking of musky cigarettes and one too many bottles of soju.
    "I know you got my money.... Chae." He laughs, snagging my hair and ripping my head back.
My arms stretch out to grab anything, but I stumble towards him, feeling strands of my hair rip out because he never let go.
    "You're an idiot.'" He coos. "The bands of cash you have stowed into your sweats blares and flashes louder than a fucking ambulance."
His hand that's griping my hair, quickly slides from the back of my head to my fragile neck. It rests there for a while.  He smiles a certain way that would make you think a roach would pop through one of his missing yellow teeth and scurry back inside.
Suddenly his hands chokes me, his finger nails digging in.  I'm so weak, I can barely pry him off of me. I cough feeling my eyes sting.    

His sluggish eyes trail their focus down my body to my sweat pants. I let out a small whimper, fearing what might come next.
Mr. Hyuks free hand reaches for the band of my pants. He pulls them down slowly. But they never touch the floor. I claw at his hands that are pulling off my sweats but that unknowingly allowed him to grip my throat tighter. I claw back at the hands on my throat. Feeling tears well up inside.
Is this it? Is this my life?

A tear manages to slip past my orders to stay back. Its coolness runs down my red cheeks and offers a short burst of refreshment and suddenly I couldn't hold it back anymore. Streams of cold, salty tears streak my tired face. That reassuring and refreshing feeling is quickly replaced by a stinging sensation, as my salty tears seep into the cuts that drape my face.  I wish I stayed with Jimin.... I should've stayed with him

    Mr. Hyuk squeezes my throat, pushing my last breath to hiss through my grudging teeth. I'm slipping. My vision is shaky, my lungs wont fill with oxygen anymore. Everything hurts and wants to give up.... everything's turning gray... and with darkness creeping around the corners of my vision I tell myself, 'I accept my fate.'

    There's a voice from the end of the hallway.
    "What do you think your doing?" They speak in a suede, and strangely calm voice.
The owner of the voice emerges. His footsteps are loud, even despite the downpour roaring outside. He has to be wearing heavy boots.  "This doesn't concern you young man! So carry on ad leave!" Mr.Hyuk growled. Young?

Unexpectedly, the sound similar to that of a bone snapping rang through my ears. The hand choking my neck releases and I collapse on the floor gasping for any amount of air my lungs can gather up. I hold my neck tenderly still feeling the imprint of infliction. My eyes, blurred by tears, make out the silhouette of a man. He's standing over Mr. Hyuks body, which is scampering on the floor. The silhouette reaches for Mr. Hyuks collar and lifts him off the dirty hallway carpet. I try to prop my self up just enough to scooch away, but my hands falters and my head hits the floor. My ears begin to ring again.
The silhouette violently punches Mr. Hyuk in the face, creating the same bone snapping sound I heard from earlier. Mr.Hyuk yells at the silhouette.
    "How dare you lay your hands on me!"
I looked at the scene and noticed there was another man behind the silhouette that was beating up Mr.Hyuk. He must've just gotten here because I'm sure he wasn't there before.
    "Chae..." I heard a silhouette call as they rushed down the hallway.
That voice-
My eyes were closed. But I knew it was him. That conception was clear when I felt familiarly warm hands cup my face. He kneels before me, his other arm reaching around me and propping my back up. I feel a smile form on my lips.
    "Ji.... Jimin..."
"I'm here Chae." Jimin responded. My body immediately relaxed.
I sighed. "I'm glad." I held his hand that was holding my face. I was safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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