A mother's love is of the purest kind

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Jin's POV

They think that I haven't noticed anything. From my sweet Mochi cheeked baby that acted all flustered around the steroid bunny boy to the growing tension between Jhope Taehyung and Yoongi.

You may wonder why I don't call Jungkook my baby bunny.

There's a reason.

That reason is because he hurt my precious Mochi. And while I love all of my children equally, Jiminnie is the most sensitive one out of the whole bunch. He's more fragile.

Even though he wants to appear all manly and shit, on the inside he's still a small and insecure child who takes people's opinions and words to heart. He's even more of a child than Jungkookie and Taehyung. So I need to protect him from any harm and keep his innocence intact for all that I'm worth.

Joonie told me that I shouldn't hover over and be so overprotective of him, but how can't you? He's too precious to ever be let hurt in a way that I could have prevented. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if that ever happened.

But you may wonder how I knew that Jiminnie was hurting because of the resident bunny.

It wasn't that difficult to figure out, honestly. Jiminnie has never been subtle when he was in love with someone.

After I had noticed that he began blushing wildly whenever Jungkook as much as breathed his way I knew what was going on. It wasn't an  innocent crush no more...he has really fallen in love this time...

But then that thickheaded airhead of a bunny had to go and do something stupid. He had made a bet.

How I knew about that?

Easy, after I saw that my cute Mochi was stressed and tensed the whole time, without a clear reason, I knew that it had to have something to do with the resident Kookie. I knew that he had to have fucked up in some way.


I was in the kitchen, contemplating on how to fix this mess, because the tension was stressing everyone out. We already had too much on our plate, a petty misunderstanding wasn't needed to top it off.

Suddenly a tired and irritated bunny entered the kitchen, interrupting my train of thought.

He seemed really riled up. I wondered what happened, because it had to be something dramatic to get the sweet Kookie looking like a psychopath.

" Jungkookie, what's the matter? "


"Jeon Jungkook I asked you a question!"


"Jeon Jungko-"

" Hyung, I fucked up... I fucked up really bad. I did something that I shouldn't have done...and now he's ignoring me..."

He was trembling, when I looked at his face I saw his eyes. They were full of emotion. Emotions that I couldn't place...

So I walked over to him and put my hand softly on his back before asking in a silent voice ;" Jungkook, has this something to do with Jiminnie?"

He looked up so quickly that I winced in pain for his neck. Ouch, that must have hurt.

" Hyung, tell him that it was a joke...it wasn't serious, it was a joke, and I was drunk of my ass when-"

He was sobbing now, for the first time in my life I didn't know how to react.

I was frozen on the spot, what did he do that had him so shook?

" Kookie, bunny tell me, what did you do? Maybe Hyung can help you fix it?"

He tensed up and abruptly pushed me away...

" You can't fix it Hyung... I messed up big time"

"What are you even talki-"

" Yugyeom and I made a bet...

A bet about if I could make Jimin fall in love with me, and then break his heart..."

What the h-


###End flash back###

That was the first time that I had ever hit my Kookie in a non-playful way. Even though it was only his arm, he winced like a kicked puppy, because he knew that if I had been a lesser person I would have hit him in the face.

Now I was in front of Joonie's room, he'll know what to do, he has to...
Because if we didn't fix this mess soon, I know that something worse will happen....

Jimin may fall out of love...
While Kookie...may lose himself in guilt.


A/n: To prevent confusion this is some time after the first chapter... Jungkook has realized that Jimin must have heard something or someone told him about the bet...how he knows about it you'll find out later on 😉

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