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I wish it was easy to do the things I think,
Call everyone who hurt me without a blink,
And ask them why they did.
Was I not good enough?
Or was it you that was the problem?
Why did you change?
You used to be so kind and nice,
And all I see now is a person,
Who changed from sugar to spice.
Was it because you found new friends?
Or because your boyfriend was more important?
Look into my eyes and tell me I didn't care,
And ask yourself if it was fair.
Where are your so-called new friends?
When the love of your life broke your heart making it a trend.
I tried to talk to you,
But what did you do?
Pushed me away like you didn't know me,
You thought you were being cool by breaking my trust?
The only thing you did was,
Lost a faithful friend who would've fought the world for you.

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