COLLIDE (chapter 2)

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Ever walked into a room and had everyone eyes laying on you.

I have and it was horrible. When I first walked into the classroom it was scary, everyone stared at me like I was a piece of meat and they were all lions ready to tear me apart. I fiddled awkwardly with my brown wavy hair with my trembling fingers as I stood there waiting for something to happen.

"Hey you must be the new girl" smiled an elderly woman.

"Yep I'm jess", I joked

"Oh I thought our new girl was called Abigail?"

"Oh that it me, i was just making a joke" I awkwardly replied quickly.

God why do I exists sometime and seriously does this country not have "NEW GIRL" on their tele?

"Alright Abigail please have a seat" said who I'm guessing was one of my teachers.

"Oh please call me Abby" I said

"I will decide what to call you thank you very much" the teacher explained

What a bitch!

This comment got a snicker from my new classmates behind me. Great now they think I'm some weird new girl American freak.

I quickly shuffled to my assigned seat where I got out all my textbooks and set them on the desk, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey don't worry about Mrs Anderson she's an old cow" a tall blonde girl said from behind me.

"Oh thanks" I replied gratefully " your literally the only persons who's been nice to me so far"

"No problem, do you want to eat with us at lunch?" the girl asked.

"Oh thanks, that would be so sweet of you" I happily replied

"Great I'm Emily by the way"

"Great I'm Abby, but I guess you already knew that", I giggled remembering what had happened only a few moments ago.

"Girls at the back, be quiet" Mrs Anderson droned.

I quickly turned away not wanting to get into too much trouble on my first day.

I liked Emily, she seemed like a generally nice person. She was the sort of girl who was drop dead gorgeous but too nice to ever realise it. I really wanted to be her friend

God I sound so lame!!

The bell then rang sounding for lunch.

"Hey Emily I'm just gonna go to my locker but ill meet up with you in the cafeteria"

"The cafe what?"

"Sorry dining hall, lunchroom thing what ever you call it in England"

She laughed "okay see you soon Abby"

I walked down the corridors admiring all the British accents as I passed. This would totally take some getting used to.

I finally reached my locker, put my code in and just as I was about to put my books away, being stupid all me, I dropped them all on the floor.

"Jesus Christ Abby WHY" I scolded myself bending down to pick up my scattered books.

When suddenly a long tattooed arm reached down and grabbed my science textbook.

"Looks like you dropped something babe" the husky voice replied

I looked up and was staring into deep hazel eyes filled with something which looked equally beautiful as it did terrifying.

So more things happened in this chapter. But who is the mystery figure, umm quite easy to guess if you ask me.

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