COLLIDE (chapter 7)

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"DONT YOU DARE FUCKING TOUCH HER EVER AGAIN" Dan shouted at the guy lying on the floor with red oozing blood running down his face.

Dan eyes were blazing with anger and his fists were clenched so tightly that his knuckles were turning white.

"IF YOU FUCKING EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU, UNDERSTAND" he shouted glaring at the guy on the floor, who nodded his head and quickly got up from the floor and scurried down the corridor but not without turning round and having a worried look at dan just to make sure that Dan wasn't following him.

This whole time I was still stood up against the locker in a state of pure shock. I felt violated when that creeps hands were running up my body. a chill ran down my spine as I remembered that disgusting feeling of his ruff hands on my hips.

"Abby Abby" someone said trying to get my attention "Abby" they said louder making me snap my head up and look at them.

Dan was staring at me with concern in his eyes. those beautiful brown eyes were staring deep into my boring blue ones when I suddenly realised how close our faces were.

I pulled away quickly wrapping my arms around my body as a sense of security.

"Abby are you alright" Dan asked worried grabbing my arm as I tried to walk away from him. I just wanted to be alone.

I snatched my hand away from his turning round and glaring at him "Well no I'm not fine as some creep just felt me up and then some other guy who called me a whore and a bitch is now trying to be nice to me even though I haven't forgiven him for what he did" I half shouted at dan turning back around and speed walking down the corridor to my next lesson.

The corridor was nearly empty which was good as I didn't want everyone hearing about what just happened.

"HEY" Dan shouted after me " I just bloody saved you from that asshole back there and I get no thanks" he was walking down the corridor catching me up as he could walk so much faster.

"Well I'm just a whore what do you expect I probably liked getting felt up by some random stranger" I spat in his face and quickly regretted it afterwards.

In Dan offence he was trying to be nice to me by saving me back there but my mind was clouded by anger and I couldn't see straight.

"Abby" Dan started off nicely and then changed his mind "Oh whatever next time I'll just leave you to the creeps and I was actually gonna apologise for being mean yesterday but you know what maybe you are a bitch after all" he was then gone down the corridor leaving me upset again in the space of less than 24 hours.

"UGHHH" I moaned sliding down the side of the locker and sitting on the floor with my legs stretched out.

Why was he so difficult. he changed modes quicker than anyone I have ever meet. one moment he was caring and the next he was spiteful and rude.

My biggest mistake was I actually thought that he was nice but he was exactly like the rumours said. Snobbish, arrogant and rude.

Then I thought a bit more.

Maybe I was a bit mean to just not thank him after what he did. I mean he was going to apologise after calling me names an he did save me back there. Maybe I should have given him a chance to explain himself but I was just being a bitch.

Suddenly I got up and decided to go and find Dan and beg for his forgiveness. I pulled my body up of the ground grabbed my bags and ran in the direction I saw Dan go.

I rounded a corner when I saw him outside and what was in his mouth a cigarette. gross.

I opened the door which lead outside and was hit by the cold autumn air.

"You know every cigarette takes 3 seconds off your life" I said taking the cigarette form his mouth and throwing it on the floor.

Dan lared at me as he pulled out another cigarette and quickly lit it.

"If you came here to lecture me about smoking then you can piss off"

"This is what I mean by you being so difficult to understand" I angrily sighed " one minute your nice and then the next your rude"

"If you came here to insult me you can do the same thing and leave" he took the cigarette from his mouth and exhaled the smoke

"I actually came here to apologise" I quietly said, I hated being in the wrong, it was one of my worst traits " I was mean back there i should have given you a chance to explain yourself for yesterday"

Dan turned towards me with a look of shock on his face "no one ever apologises to me" he said sadly turning his head to look at the ground.

I was shocked. this was only a small bit of information but I felt like he had opened up to me.

"Well I'm apologising because I really am truly sorry" I looked at him and he turned to look at me.

I saw his eyes move towards my lips and he brought his face in closer.

"Dan I'm sorry I can't" I awkwardly said taking a step away and feeling guilty for refusing Dan.

He looked sad but covered it up quickly " I wasn't gonna kiss you, I was joking obviously"he awkwardly laughed.

"Sure you were" I muttered under my breath, shivering from the cold

"Hey take my jacket" dan said slipping off his jacket and revealing his long toned tattooed arms. he slipped the jacket round my shoulders and I mouthed a thank you.

"So" Dan started " how so you feel about skipping school and coming back to my house"

"Umm" I was unsure of his intentions

"I promise nothing will happen" he said realising my worry and putting his hand on his heart he said "scouts honour"

I giggled which caused Dan to smile

"Umm wont we get in trouble" I lied, I really didn't care what happened with school I just didn't want to seem that eager even though I really wanted to spend the whole day with Dan

"Nah don't worry babe it'll be fine" he replied casually and with that he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his car.


Hope you guys liked it. its like 3 o clock in the morning here so I'm sorry if this was a bit shit.

(P.s don't forget to vote and comment xxxxx)

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