COLLIDE (chapter 3)

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"Hey you must be Abby"said the gorgeous spell bounding figure in front of me.

First thing first, that accent though!

It wasn't like a normal British accent it was dripping in sexiness and when he spoke no other sound was important.

My eyes slowly travelled past his scruffy black hair, past his lip ring which accentuated his perfect lips and to his arms.

They were covered head to toe in tattoos. This might be disgusting to some but to me it was my crypto-night. His tattoos continued past his amazing abs which were located underneath a thin white T-shirt. This was great for me as I could see his perfect stomach.

"See something you like" smirked the boy"

"Ummm no I wasn't doing anything" I mumbled. God pull yourself together Abby, it's just a boy who looks like a god.


"well you were basically eye raping me, but its fine I know I look amazing" said the boy with such a smug grin.

"Jerk" I mumbled underneath my breath

Not quietly enough I suddenly realised, as I was yanked by my arm and violently pushed up against the lockers.

"What did you say to me!" he questioned. A look of terror in his eyes.

I was so shocked I couldn't speak. My arms were being pushed down by my sides by his strong tones arms so that I couldn't move.

"Do you even know who I am" he asked coming closer an closer towards my face so that I could feel his breath against my lips.

Is it really weird that I hated this boy for shoving me against a locker but really wanted to kiss him at the same time.

"ANSWER ME!" he shouted right in my face. At the same time pushing me harder into the locker.

I winced at the pain. It felt like long sharp needles were getting pushed into my back.

"DAN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" I heard a voice shout from the other side of the corridor.

I suddenly felt the weight being released from my body and I fell onto the floor. I started to cry.

Right one thing you should know about me is I am NOT a wimp. but being pushed up against a locker and threatened by a boy you just meet in your first day of school is a bit too much for one day.

"She needed to know who I was, and that she couldn't speak to me like that" replied the boy, who I now knew was called Dan, to the figure coming closer to me.

I quickly shuffled away. I didn't want one of Dan's friends hurting me too.

"Hey don't be scared, I'm not gonna hurt you" said the figure kindly but then suddenly turned to Dan and shouted, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING, PUSHING A GIRL UP AGAINST A LOCKER ON HER FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL YOU IDOIT"


"I can talk to you any way I like and you know it" replied the figure. I wanted to know why he could, and why Dan was so afraid of him but I was kind of occupied with crying.

"Dan just get out of here" the figure said in a bored tone, like he had heard this too many times before.

"Fine" huffed Dan and quickly walked down the corridor out of sight.

This was when I sniffed which brought the figures attention back toward me.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Abby I don't know what came over him"

"It's okay" I quickly replied bringing my legs towards my chest and standing slowly onto my feet.

"It's not okay" carried in the figure "he needs to learn to teach others with some respect"

"Umm thanks ..." I didn't know this guys name

"Oh sorry I feel so rude for not introducing myself, I'm Phil, Phil Lester"

Duh Duh Duh phil's in the story wohhhhh

Hope you guys liked this chapter more drama happened

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