by: Ariel Olaera Omangayon
I'm walking on my darkest side
Suddenly, you came... behind!
I stopped... to turn my head back!
Now what? Do you have something to ask?Stop showing your bright side!
I was once have a light
You know my stories... and fantasies.
I have nothing to tell... LISTEN!I can't let you look into my eyes
I won't let you know... it hurts!
I know you're good in changing life...
I don't know... you're good in fixing heart.Am I stupid? You are stupid too!
Stop doing this... I'm falling for you.
Some part of me is fun of forgetting.
So I'm sorry, I can't hold on to this feeling.I have loved too many... they're all nice!
I hurt too many... they're too wise!
I can't afford to be good just in sight!
Please STEP BACK... you're on my darkest side.