Chapter 5

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"She fell asleep during my class Mrs Brinkley."

"It's ma'am to you Mr Kloon."

"Sorry ma'am."

"Apology excepted, now please repeat your problem."

"Miss Hazel here, fell asleep during my lesson." His face is the picture of disgust.

"What is your point on the matter miss Hazel?" The headmistress turns her pointy nose in my direction.

I send Mr Kloon a sly grin. "His lessons are so boring that I couldn't help but fall asleep." Mr Kloon shoots daggers at me with his eyes.

"Mr Kloon, you do realise that we don't pay you to bore our children half to death don't you?"


"Well if you cannot do your job properly then I am going to have to dismiss you, understood? You have one chance." Mr Kloon backs out of the room nodding like crazy, I go to follow but unfortunately Mrs B calls me back. "Miss Hazel, I haven't quite finished with you yet."

"Yes Mrs B?"

"It's ma'am or headmistress. Now you may tell your dorm friends that you all have a detention on Friday because of your little snooze in Math. You are also expected to show up to Saturday and Sunday detention. Understood?"


"If you do not show then your entire class will be expected to come along with you on Saturday, and you will receive another detention on the following weekend. Do you understand?"


"Callie Hazel! Do you understand?!" Gee, i'm sort of happy she didn't raise her voice until now cause, wow is she scary.

"I guess."

"Callie do not make me repeat myself. Do you understand?!"

"Yes! I do Okay. Calm down."

"Don't give me a reason to get worked up and I will stay calm."

"Got it."

"Good, then leave."

I walk out thinking about how happy (note the sarcasm) my dorm buddies are going to be about the detention on Friday, god I'm going to be so unpopular if I carry on. Damn this school and their punishing system, it works too well.

As I round the corner just past the library, I come across a lovely sight, Toby and some girl eating each other alive. "Ewwwwww. Somebody hand me a spoon!!" I scream, jumping back.

They brake apart and turn to face me, Toby with a scowl aimed straight at me.

I study the girl he's with, she's got strawberry blonde hair (definitely more strawberry than blonde) and dark brown eyes, she's shorter than me. She regards me with a disgusted, bitçhy look. "Why do you need a spoon?"

"To gouge my eyes out with!" I dramatically cover my eyes. "I think I'm gonna throw up!"

"Stop being a drama queen Callie." Toby growls, his first words to me have been spoken, I'll forever remember them.

"And you stop kissing people in my direct line of vision!" I retort.

"Who do you think you are?" The other girl spits, glaring at me.

"Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?" I sing, smirking.

I watch Toby whose face is completely blank, however the scowl has left, I take it as a good sign. On the other hand, The girl next to him looks ready to explode. "God your sad!" She shouts.

"God your happy!" I reply.

"What?" She looks confused.

"Oh sorry I thought we were stating opposites."

"You're not funny. What's your name?"


"Well Callie I'm Maddy, the most popular girl in this school and your new enemy, watch it bitçh."

"Suck it bitçh." I flip her off and laugh when her face starts turning red from both rage and embarrassment.

"Get out of my sight."

"News flash, I'm not your boy toy over there." I point at Toby who glares at me looking offended and flips me off. "So I'm not actually going to do what you want because I don't actually care."

"You!" She storms towards me and I take an innocent step back. As she reaches me she trips and falls to the floor, having not noticed the step I just climbed up. "You're such a bitçh! You're gonna pay for this."

"Oh look at that! I got you to the ground without even touching you, take it as a warning Maddy." I mimic her annoying voice and smirk.

"Uhhhhh!!" She stands up and storms away to the dormitories. I watch her in amusement then start to follow.

"Your welcome boy toy." I give him an exaggerated wink and laugh.

"You just lost me my fun for the day." His eyes are still blank, he turns around and starts to walk off.

"How sad, you might have to go and buy a new toy." I pretend to wipe tears from under my eyes. "And that's such a waste of money and time. What do I do." I laugh at him again.

"Shut the fuçk up drama queen."

"You really are horrible, my grumpy friend."

"We aren't friends and we never will be."

"Yup, at least you got something right." I sneer.

"Oh I get a lot right." He's far away from me now.

"Yeah. A lot of nothing." I retort.

He turns around. "Shut up."

And with that he makes his exit, leaving me fuming. I wanted the last word. I had it all planned out, but his general bad attitude actually managed to surprise me. I haven't met anyone with such a bad attitude. Diçk. He better watch it next time. There is no way that I'm going to be nice to him now. I mean what a priçk! He shut down all my responses. I hate him!

Hope you had a good day Xx

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