Chapter One

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A/N:My chapter updates may seem short, but this way I can update quicker! :) I hope you enjoy.

Also: All characters, places, ideas and quotes from the book series Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling belong to her.

Chapter One:

Lily was extremely nervous as she walked all over Kings- Cross Station. Where was Platform 9 and 3/4 again? She walked past Platform nine, then was even more befuddled when she saw she was now at Platform 10. There was no gosh forsaken Platform 9 and 3/4, was there? Lily's snowy owl, Norge, hooted towards a red haired family that where standing in between the two platforms. The ginger haired family then did the strangest thing imaginable, they one by one ran at top speed towards the brick wall that split Platform 10 from Platform 9. They had not gone 'Splat' as she had imagined they would, but instead one by one they all disappeared into the brick wall. Lily then realized the brilliancy of this, it was Platform 9 and 3/4. With that, she looked both ways looking to make sure no muggles were watching and then the strawberry- blond ran at the brick wall.

Lily saw the red headed family saying there goodbyes and then their only girl and many boys entered the train. She had no parents to say goodbye to so Lily simply walked onto the Hogwarts Express without any farewell. Seeing as she had gotten on the train in the nick of time, most of the compartments where filled. She did happen to see a compartment with the red haired girl, a blond haired girl reading her magazine upside down and a black haired boy. She slid the glass door open and said with a slight accent,

"Hi I'm Lily, could I sit with you all? It seems that the other compartments all happen to be filled." The red head responded with a bubbly, "Of course! I'm Ginny Weasley!" She points to the blonde across from her and says, "This is Luna Lovegood." And then she pointed to the black haired boy next to Luna. "And he's Neville Longbottom." Lily nearly snorted at his last name, but she stopped herself in time.

"I don't think I've seen you around and the Nargles haven't either." Luna states in a dreamy voice while her big blue eyes sparkle with curiosity.

What in the bloody hell are Nargles?

"That's because I switched to Hogwarts from Beauxbatons." Lily explained. "Your accent's not French though. Why's that?" The boy called Longbottom finally spoke up.

"I'm originally from Norway, that's why I've got a bit of an accent. I've known English all my life so the accent is barely there." Lily explained herself once again.

A lady with a sweet trolley decided to interrupt the conversation and said, "Sweets off the trolley, anyone?" Lily hadn't brought money, since it was school she had figured that she wouldn't need it. "I'll have Every Flavor Jellybeans and two Chocolate Frog's, please." Neville replied.

"Anyone else?" The lady asked while Neville handed her some sickles and a few knuts. The rest of them shook their heads and then the trolley lady handed the sweets over to Neville.

Over the train ride Ginny, Luna and Lily had really connected. They had talked about people to avoid and things like that until it was time to get off of the Hogwarts Express. They walked towards carriages that where pulled by black horselike winged creatures that had reminded Lily of death. Upon getting onto the carriage Lily stroked one of the creature's mane as to thank the animal for taking her to the castle. Professor McGonagall had told her to ride up in the carriages, but to not enter the Great Hall and to wait outside with the First Years.

"The carriages, they're being pulled by something."

"No, Harry, they are still being pulled by nothing, as usual." A bushy haired girl said.

"Don't worry I can see the Thestrals too." Luna said dreamily.

What in the bloody hell are Thestrals?

"Luna what are Thestrals?" Lily asked.

"Well you just so happen to have been petting one a moment ago, you can only see them if you have seen death. What did you see die?" Luna persisted while answering Lily's question. "I can't recall ever seeing death before." Lily answered Luna with a deathly pale tone to her face. Lily had lied, but she couldn't tell them what she had seen. It would only make things worse.

The carriage rolled up to the stone castle, it was an absolutely beautiful castle. It had many stone turrets and towers, Hogwarts was a beautiful place through and through. The students had all changed into their robes on the train and so had she. She followed everyone else towards the Great Hall, but didn't go inside. She waited for the First Years to arrive and once they did a thin lipped elderly lady started to speak to them. Lily though had not paid attention and suddenly the lady, who she had come to know as Professor McGonagall, opened the large oak doors. As they all walked in Lily noticed a tattered old brown hat on a wooden stool, the hat started to sing.

What a strange hat..

Once the melody died down Professor McGonagall started to speak, "You will place the sorting hat on your head while sitting on the stool. The sorting hat will decide the best house for you, the first sorting to the year is an unusual one. We have a student who switched from Beauxbatons Academy because she had decided to finish her fifth, sixth and seventh years here. After that I will read First Year names off of this scroll for sort- ment. Bjellund, Lillian."

Lily walked up to the wretched hat and was very nervous indeed. She felt as if it had taken her an eternity to walk up, her knees had felt like butter. Eventually, Lily had made it, she sat down and placed the battered old thing on her head and hoped she wouldn't get lice.

She was surprised when she heard a voice,

'Wretched hat, eh? Slytherin may be the house for you, but you are also very brave, loyal and courageous. You are sly, you are a trouble maker yet you are also clever.' The hat said in her head.

Soon the hat's voice boomed out with certainty,


'Not Slytherin, not Slytherin, not Slytherin.' Elise thought interrupting the sorting hat.

'Not Slytherin, eh? Like brother, like sister?' The hat communicated with her.

"Gryffindor!" The hat yelled.

'Brother!?' Lily said in her head to the hat.

'I have said to much already, now get me off of your bloody head! I don't want head lice either.' The hat communicated rudely.

Lily sat up and reluctantly placed the hat lightly on the stool and listened to the proud yet slightly confused cheers of the Gryffindors. She walked to the long wooden table and sat next to Ginny, not knowing where else to sit.

"Have you met my friend Harry? You remind me of him." Ginny asked.

Had she met him?

A/N: Most of you can probably already figure out who Lily's brother is. And that's ok.. Because I want everyone to know before Lily does.

Also I will dedicate a chapter to anyone who makes a 'Lightning Stroke Twice' cover.

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