Chapter Three

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Author's Note:

All characters, places, ideas and quotes from the book series Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling belong to her.

Chapter Three:

Lily walked into Defense Against the Dark Arts late, as she had been to all of her classes earlier except for potions. The toad like lady from last night spoke saying, "Excuse me, why are late Miss?"

Lily responded with a simple, "I'm Lily Bjellund, I switched from Beauxbatons. I'm still trying to find my way around the castle." The toad humphed and replied in a high pitched toady tone, "Fine, Fine. Just don't be late again please."

Lily took the last remaining seat next to a bleach blond Slytherin. He scooted as far away as possible from her and sent her death glares with his blue- grey eyes.

Lily leaned in towards him and whispered, "Don't act like you have your head shoved up your arse, people might start to not like you." She then sunk down low in her chair and listened to the toad like lady. The blond boy however was still sending her daggers.

"Class, I am your new ministry appointed Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher, Professor Umbridge." The toad- Professor Umbridge then proceeded to write her name on the chalkboard while screeching about Ministry nonsense.

"We shall only study the theories given to us through the Ministry appointed textbooks, no practice of spells shall take place." The toad went on.

Lots of students mumbled about the unfairness of this, some spoke up but Lily had not waited around long enough to listen.

"No disrespect or anything Professor Toad- I mean Umbridge. Yes, Umbridge. If we are not going to be learning how to actually defend our selves then I am not going to waste my time in here." Lily seethed, she stood up and started to leave the room.

"Miss Bjellund, don't you dare leave this classroom." Professor Toad seethed with her eerily high pitched voice.

"I dare." Is all Lily said simply, while still walking.

"Detention tomorrow and ten points from Gryffindor." She said in her shrill voice.

Professor Umbridge then started speaking directly to the class, "I am teaching Ministry approved 'risk free' theories. That dangerous half-breed Lupin-"

That's the exact moment when Lily chose to walk out of class, if they where just going to study useless theories and not practice actual defense then they should have called the class 'Theories Against the Dark Arts.' Lily wasn't worried about all the points she had lost in Potions and 'Defense' Against the Dark Arts, since she made them up in other classes for participating in class so much. She wasn't always a troublemaker, she just didn't like Professors who where bloody gits.


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