Chapter Two

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Author's Note:

All characters, places, ideas and quotes from the book series Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling belong to her.

Chapter Two:

After the feast that night, Lily had gone straight to bed. She shared a dorm with Hermione Granger, Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, and Fay Dunbar.

Fay and Parvati had seemed to ignore Lily, while Lavender was still cautious. Hermione on the other hand wouldn't shut it.

In the morning Lily quickly got her robes on, did her hair, cleansed her face and applied lotion. She and Hermione then proceeded to the Great Hall where their transcripts awaited them.

As they walked into the great hall a Prefect handed them both their transcripts.


Lily Evans Bjellund : Transcript

Class:................ | Professor:

Potions................ Prof. Snape

Transfiguration... Prof. McGonagall

History of Magic..Prof. Binns


Charms.................Prof. Flitwick

Defense Against

The Dark Arts.......Prof. Umbridge

Herbology.............Prof. Sprout


Lily was happy to find that she shared Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions with Hermione, every other class Hermione had been placed in Advanced Placement. Lily was excited for Defense Against the Dark Arts the teacher Professor Umbridge had interrupted Dumbledore and intoduced herself last night at Dinner in the Great Hall, she had a short, stout frame. She had spoken with a croaky tone which perfectly fit her toad like appearance.

Lily sat down once again next to Ginny Weasley and compared Transcripts with her, even though it was unlikely that they would have any classes together seeing that she was a year younger. "Ginny, we have Potions together! How'd that happen?" Lily exclaimed. "Last year I was in Advanced Potions and then when I aced that class, Dumbledore moved me into the Fifth Year Potions class!" Ginny explained.

Professor Dumbledore then made a quick speech about classes and then let the feast begin. Lily scarfed down breakfast items until they were dismissed to their first class of the year. Luckily, Lily wasn't late to Potions because Hermione had walked with her down to the dungeons. They walked into the class and Hermione sat herself down with black haired boy, who was not Neville. So Lily sat herself down at a random desk and hoped Ginny would be here soon.

Most of the students had piled in to the class by now, but if Ginny got here soon she still wouldn't be late. The teacher, who looked like a bleached grease ball with his greasy black hair and his sickly pale skin, silently stood at the front of the class. Ginny came into the dungeon and sat down next to me, frightened that she may be late.

"Ms. Weasley, you're late. 5 points from Gryffindor." Professor Grease ball droned.

"Actually Sir, she got here on time, this class starts in two minutes." Lily blurted out trying to defend her friend.

When Professor Snape saw Lily it seemed as if he had seen a ghost, "Lily?" He croaked. "That's my name, now don't wear it out." She responded. At that moment the Professor snapped out of whatever trance he had been in and motioned for her to sit down. "This class starts when I start it, so Ms. Weasley is late. Let me get on with the lesson or I'll dock 20 points from Gryffindor." Snape droned once more.

"This year we will be..." Professor Snape's voice just wouldn't stop droning, so Lily stopped listening and focused on revenge for unfairly punishing a Gryffindor.

"Ms. Bjellund, what is Amortentia?" Professor Snape droningly asked her, he had known she wasn't paying attention and was hoping to catch her.

"Amortentia, Sir, is the most powerful love potion known to the Wizarding world." Lily responded smirking, how easy was this class!

"Five points from Gryffindor for being an insufferable know-it-all." Professor Snape droned happily.

"Professor, you asked me a question and I simply answered it!" Lily exclaimed flustered, while the Slytherin's snickered. "Oh, shut it you snake's!" She hissed towards the Slytherin's.

"Five points for talking out of turn, Miss Bjellund. Would you like to deduct any more?" Snape the snake asked.

Lily stayed silent and thought of much better revenge plans than adding an extra ingredient to her potion when Snape came by to check on it so it would explode in his face, no, this meant war.

She watched him pace in his black cape and robes in the front of the classroom. While watching she had come up with her five phases of revenge.

Phase One: Robes.

From under her desk, Lily twisted her hand and in her head whispered a spell. She was quite good at silent wand less spells. She thought,

'Roseo Vestium.'

The rest of the class noticed his robes before he had and they where trying to hold back snickers. Snake looked around to see what was happening and then looked down at his robes.

Snape the snake yelped and shrieked as he noticed his robes had turned neon pink. Can you imagine Snape shrieking like a banshee while jumping up and down in bright pink robes? Lily had, and she made it happen.

Snape hopped up and down angrily and yelled out curse words, he was not a very happy Snape the snake at the moment.

"Who did this?" Snape boomed out loudly as he started to calm down. "What sort of spell is this?" He boomed out even louder.

Nobody bothered to answer as they where all much to busy snickering and laughing. Lily however was laughing a little too hard and Snape had instantly known it was her.

"Ms. Bjellund, 25 points from Gryffindor and detention with me. Now undo this spell at once!" Snakey Snape had not known how to undo the spell because Lily had made it up. Lily hoped that she could invent a counter spell, otherwise she would have week long detentions with Snape and that would be horrendous.

She paused a moment to think, "Ms. Bjellund would you hurry the bloody hell up!?"

"Duis stolis." She said aloud, once again without a wand. Lily hoped her fluency in Latin would pay off.

It did.


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