Indecisive Hoe

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"Oh no, I do not know what to do."

"Tomorrow is the day that the girls sign their contracts."

"Asia can you really live with yourself that these unfortunate young ladies live a life like you did?" 

"Umm no."

"I am so confused."

Asia went back and forth with herself to pull the young ladies out of the deal.  She asked God to give her a sign to not trap the young girls to be apart of the Operation. 

An hour later she receives a call from one of the young ladies that are very interested being apart of the Operation. But she couldn't answer because she was going back and forth with Tyron on the phone.

"Look bitch if you do not go through with this I swear."

"Wow, so Tyron you can really leave with yourself trapping these young ladies?"

"Hell, yeah, I no longer want to be fucking old white rich bitches." 

"Tyron look I have a lot to think about within these few hours to make my decision."

"Asia I am being one hundred if you do not make the right decision it will be your ass."

Asia hangs up the phone not knowing what she was going to do, so she decided to call the young lady back that called her. She waited for the young lady to answer the phone as she waited she started to think.

Asia didn't know what the phone call was about, but she was prepared for what to come.

"Hello this is Tasha."

"Hey Tasha this is Asia, you called?"

"Oh yes, I just called to get some reassurance about joining the Operation."

"Well, what do you need to know I gave you all the information, love."

"Can I be honest?" 

Asia heart stop beating for at lease two seconds. 

"Of course love what's up?"

"I think you hated being apart of the Operation." 

"You were pausing at each part of your so call happiness."

"Am I wrong?"

The young lady wasn't wrong and Asia just knew it was her time to be truthful.

"Can we finish this conversation later please, and I'll promise I give you all the information you need."

There was a 5 second pause. 

"Hello Tasha are you there?'

"Yes, I am here and sure please call me before 10 pm."

"Will do."


As soon as Asia hung up the phone she calls Tyrone. 

"Hey Tyron I just gotten off the phone with one of the girls."

"Okay,  and." with a nasty tone.

"She was asking for reassurance."

"Okay, did you give it to her?"

"No, Tyron I DID NOT!" Screams Asia.

"Let's runaway Tyron me and you."

"Girl you know we cannot out run the Operation they are everywhere."

Tyron laughs and states, "The only way we can out do them is only if we kill ourselves."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2018 ⏰

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