Another A/N 😅

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I am soooooo sorry that I haven't been writing anything in the last few years. I have had a lot of things going on around me and still do. Also continuous writers block, but I have come up with another story idea where it revolves in the DC Universe heroes and villains where it is more modern. Joker and Harley Quinn have three children and they are all going to school as modern kids until the night time where they cause trouble. Im going to lis back stories and such soon. I can change the school name, just dm me. Also if you want to continue the backstories feel free to dm me letting me know and send me what you have done. If you would like to role-play (yes i still do that) I will attach a link and hopefully it works. It is more of a thread that I have already started so feel free to choose any of my characters or make your own.  Just remember to dm their back stories that way they can also be put into the story. We all can write the story together if you'd like. 😊
heres the link:
and here are the backstories:
College Years
Alice ("Psycho"): Gamer {Senior} [eldest]
Jasper ("J.J") : Musician/Artist {Junior}[middle]
Dayja ("Lil Quinn") : Athletic/ Flexible/Cheer Co-Captain {Sophomore}[youngest]
Mr. Big : Professor
Ralph ("R.J") :  Sarcastic/Gay {Freshman}
Cyrus- Two-face Son : School Man Slut {Sophomore}
WaterLily- Poison Ivy Daughter : Cheer Captain {Senior}[twin]
Arborus- Poison Ivy Son : Football Captain {Senior}[twin]
Tommy ("Calendar Man") {[Killed off in the first chapter because he is so irrelevant]}
Dick Grayson- Batman's son 1
Damian- Batman's son 2
In the year 3017, the most three famous siblings, Kali , Jasper, and Dayja Quinn( since their parents are famous the fame has been passed down to them ) are attending the most interesting famous villainy(but also heroic in a way) university called Underground Hero Academy. They have made few many friends, enemies, and love interest. TBC
~Back Stories~
TBC=To Be Continued.
Ralph~ Cunning, with a nonchalant attitude towards everything, just like his dad, he's a know-it all, and always has something to say when he feels it's needed......which is always in his case. As a child his dad didn't really paid that much attention to him, which he was completely fine with since he liked to do things in private. He was known as a prodigy, he could turn anything he read into a puzzle unlike any other seen before, and when he talked he either said something you could consider "nice" his standards of course, or something completely and utterly degradingly sarcastic it was hilarious, and he was always reading, but that all was cut short by his inane talent to be as lazy as they come. One day when he was around 14 he stumbled upon a mysterious book that had been left in a random alley, and yes we're all wondering why a 14 year old boy was walking alone in an ally, out of curiosity and the allure of a new unexplored book, he pick it up, "Tarbu's Eulogy" he read off the top, scanning the top and its intricate yet delicate design, he opened it to be bombarded with a burst of power, with the abrupt power infusion he blacked out, waking hours later he stumbly got unto his feet, confused and dazed he tried to make his way from the alley to his house where he noticed something particular about his surrounding, it had for some reason gotten shorter, looking down to inspect the situation he noticed that it had not in fact shortened, but he was afloat, freaking out he struggled to get back down and fortunately fell face first unto the hard cement ground. "Ugh....wha..what's happening to me?". TBC
Kali~Studious and brave, yet conceited and a bonafide prankster, she enjoys the little things in life that most people find stupid like cat videos, and there isn't a day you won't catch her nerding out on something she just discovered. Her interest are diverse and so is her personality, just like the joker, she can be a force to be reckoned with, always coming in guns blazing and things going "BOOM!" there is never a time where her entrances are not grand, it could range blowing up a building for a slow-mo walk, to her shooting herself out a cannon, which is why she was bestowed the nickname "Psycho", but she is just as kind as she is crazy like Harley, granted she may swing a hammer on you once in awhile if you rub her the wrong way, but she is dependable and never lets her friends down when she is needed. As a child she was always torn between harley and the joker, she loved to blow things up and find the laughter in anything, but didn't want what happened to her mom and dad to happen to her in her future. She sought a better path that would allow her to do what she saw fit when needed. Like her mother, she was an adept acrobatic and with a little practice became an equally adept hand to hand combatant. Although things sometimes didn't go as she planned the allure of her video games were always a calming melody that silenced the beast within.
Dayja~ Oh Dayja..... the definition of a glass cannon summed up, although tiny as a mouse, looking down on this girl COULD possibly be the end of your life. She's spontaneous and cheery all the time, nothing brings her down even on the dreariest of days, she always bares a shining smile. Although happy and go-lucky most of the time, Dayja is like a Gemini, one minute she could be fantasizing about cupcakes and boys, the other she's swinging her mom's (Harley Quinn) hammer like a plastic toy at any and all forces that oppose her wrath, but not to worry because that side only shows when someone either insults her or a friends. She is Co-captain of the cheer squad due to are exquisite and unique skills in acrobatics that basically makes her look like a swan. As the youngest of the family she's known as "Lil Quinn", and like all quote on quote babies of the family she is somewhat spoilt, but that doesn't make her any less lovable, on her 17th birthday her mom gave her as a gift her trusty Hammer, that has seen more action than one could think off and she has treasured it since then.
Jasper~ A mediocre musician, but an adept artist, his dream is to trance the world with music and art like never seen before. He is also apart of the HarleyxJoker family as Kali and Dayja.
Have fun!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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