1st period -The History of Music

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Butch POV

After i showed the girls to the SAO , School Administrative Office (for some who don't know what SAO means) We went our separate ways. I headed to my first class, gym.... gosh i hate it.. this school is just like every other school. Math, Science, electives (mostly) computer classes, history, and english. People come here because they have talent. I came here with my sister,Buttercup, shes a dancer and singer while im a guitar player ,singer, and dancer. Yes i know i dont seem like the guy to sing or dance but believe me. I do.

Last year Buttercup got in trouble right when school let out, so shes suspended for the first month. The principle never said that she couldn't come close to the campus to drop of my lunch or my car.

Yes I have a car. I got it last year. Duhhhh. Anyways once I got to the gym, coach Johnson stood there waiting for everyone to get dressed and come out.

"Butch! Why are you late?" He yelled when he saw me. He has never liked me since I pulled my famous dying prank on him last year .

" sorry coach I was showing the new girls to the SAO" I said

" alright excused playboy, go get changed"

I nodded and ran the locker room. Playboy?What the hell did he..? Ohhhh!!!! Oh coach only of you knew I wasn't like that. Once I got to the locker room i hear a familiar voice.

" yo block head whats up!" I chuckled at hearing my older friend, Mitchs voice. I turned and smirked slightly and fistbumped him.

"Dude, how youve been?!" I said.

Mitch is a junior now. We met when i was a freshman at this school, which was basically last year. Hes helped me a lot with the "bullies of the school" who i like to call punk asses, but there is this one guy that i truly hate.

"ahhh its good to be back at school... not here in this sweaty uncleaned gym.. its disgusting..." the voice said.

I growl lowly once i hear the voice enter the room... Boomer Johnson, The spoiled ass rich kid of the school.

I swear this kid thinks hes all that and he can get anything or any girl that he wants just because his dad runs the school! Mitch and I just ignore his stupid butt and keep talking like nobody said a word. Everyone else on the other just accepted that he just walked into the building and started groveling at Boomers feet. Eww guys get up hes not a fucking prince. While me and mitch were still talking I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and heard it ring. I got my phone out of my pocket and checked to see who texted me.

{BEEP BEEP} (New text message from Bubbsy )

Sweeeet Bricks baby sister texted me!

Bubbsy: Hey I made it to class

Me: Alright have fun :p I heard that class is boring.

I got dressed while i was texting Bubbles but then I felt someone looking over my shoulder.

"Who you texting there blockhead?" Mitch said "Is it Bricks baby sister Bubbles by any chance?"

I looked at mitch with a surprised looked on my face then smirked.

"Word gets out fast doesn't it?"

"Hell yeah it does. I heard that she told Blossom that couldn't walk with brick anymore or treat her like shit."

"yeah thats-" I was going to finish my sentence but i was cut off by a certain blonde headed boy. Boomer....I growled lightly at that. How rude. Before you guys ask Boomer and Blossom are siblings. They both think they run this school...

" that girl is already in trouble.. Shame shes a cutie.. i can probably help her boost her popularity by 100%" Boomer said. I swear when i said that i wanted to punch him in his stupid ass prissy looking face but then she texted me back. I guess the teacher had her introduce herself.

{BEEP BEEP} (New text from Bubbsy)

Bubbsy: Omg you have no idea *groan*

Me: Lol

Bubbsy: Ms.Anderson had me introduce myself then some guys were staring at me. uncomfortable!!! XD

Me: HAHA!!

I internally growled at that...

Bubbsy: Not funny. anyway don't you have a class to go to?

Oh shit shes right! After i was done changing mitch called my name cause he was standing at the locker room door waiting for me. I put my phone in my locker and went straight into the gym.

"Ah thank you for joining us you two", coach johnson said as he turned towards me and mitch....

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