A Rough Night

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This takes place after Astrid and Stormfly are shot out of the sky by the hunters. After Astrid wakes the next morning Hiccup told her she had a rough night.


The rain continues to pound down on us. Yet Toothless and I continue our search. I knew she could take care of herself, but I wasn't going to take any chances. I needed to know, and make sure she was safe. My calls turned into desperate sobs for her. But I knew with the wind and rain she wouldn't be able to hear us. Yet we still searched.

It wasn't until I saw a giant wave coming. I saw a small piece of wood, and a hand out of the water. I knew that had to be Astrid. She resurfaced, only to be hit by the wave.

"Toothless! Down there!" I shout.

He sees where I'm pointing to and he begins to hover. I set Toothless, and jump off of him.

"When I get near the surface with her dive down and grab us," I tell him.

He whirs, and I jump off his back. I dive deep after Astrid. Her blonde hair frames her face as she falls lifeless through the water. I grab her arms that are outstretched, and begin to pull her away from the bottom. I adjust my grip and kick harder. Trying to reach the surface.

Soon Toothless greets me. I slide onto his back, and pull Astrid onto my lap as we move quickly to the surface.

Once we break I cough out the water that made it to my lungs. Then I focus at the main problem at hand.

"Astrid! Astrid!" I shout at her as I lightly shake her.

She gasps, "What took you so long?"

"Oh thank Thor," I say with a sigh of relief.

Astrid's head falls limp on my shoulder as Toothless takes off.

"Warning shot bud," I say to him.

He lets out a cry and fires into the sky. That's when Astrid begins to cough. These cough rack through her body violently.

"It's okay Astrid. Get it all out," I say as I rub her back.

She then begins to sound like she's choking. I know what that meant. So leaning her to one side she vomits into the ocean. It was all water and bile that was stuck in her. I shifted her back. Her eyes were still peacefully closed. Reaching behind me into the saddle bag I found a scrap piece of cloth. I use it to clean her mouth off.

Snotlout comes up on one side of me. Hookfang is ignited.

"You found her! How is she? Was she mad that it wasn't me?" Snotlout asks me.

"She's fine. She hasn't said much, but I have a feeling that she wouldn't have been mad who it was," I say.

Astrid lets out a loud moan as she twists so her face is in my shoulder. Soon the twins, and Fishlegs catch up to us.

"We need to get back to the Edge and fast. Astrid isn't looking too good," I say.

We all turn our dragons into the direction of Dragons Edge. The ride was short. Astrid wasn't too far out from home, but that didn't mean anything.

Once we landed, I rushed Astrid to her hut. Toothless and the gang were close behind. I carry her up her stairs and lay her in her bed. It's then I realize that she is still in her wet clothes, and her hut is freezing.

"Toothless, light the fire would ya bud?" I ask him. He scrambles down the stairs, and lights the fire pit. "Thanks bud."

I find an extra pair of Astrid's clothes, and a towel. The gang hasn't come up the stairs yet, which is and isn't helpful. I need to get her out of her wet clothes, and into dry ones so she doesn't get anymore sick than she already is. The thing is, Astrid and I are good friends, but I don't think she would appreciate me changing her while unconscious. But if the gang isn't up here I would feel better about it.

So I take the jump. I slip her wet tunic off, and slip the dry one on. Then I take off her boots, and socks and slip off her pants, and skirt. I set them in a pile with the tunic. Quickly I put her pants, and skirt on. She only has the one skirt, so it would have to do. I try my best to dry out her braid.

Astrid begins to shiver. I search around for a blanket, but didn't find one. Then looking in the small chest at the bottom of her bed I find one. I wrap her up, and she begins to warm. Feeling her head, it feels abnormally warm. She has a fever, and there isn't much I can do to help that.

"Fishlegs! Could you come up here please!" I shout down.

Fishlegs comes up the stairs. "What's the problem?" He asks.

"Astrid's running a fever, and it might not hurt to have you check her out for breaks and sicknesses."

He nods. "Let me get my things."

He leaves for his hut. While he's gone Astrid moans, and mumbles in her sleep. She tosses and turns. I sit by her bed to comfort her.

Taking her hand I whisper, "It's okay Astrid. You're fine. You're going to be fine."

Fishlegs returns with a small handful of things. I step away from the bed to let Fishlegs work.

After a few minutes the rest of the gang come up the stairs. Fishlegs steps away from Astrid.

"She's sick. The water and the cold don't mix, but that's what happened. She'll probably get sick from all of the water in her body. She's running a high fever, and I don't know when that will break. Other than that she's okay. Just needs to be kept an eye on," Fishlegs says.

"Thank you Fishlegs. I can watch her. You guys get some sleep. You'll need it for whatever Astrid saw," I say.

"No. We're staying here. Astrid may not need us, but she is part of the group. Not to mention you may need us Hiccup," Snotlout says.

I smile. "Well then make yourselves comfortable. It's going to be a long night."

Everyone finds a spot on the floor, and I sit in a chair next to her bed. Throughout the night she tosses and turns, and calls out for things that aren't there. Fishlegs did another check, and found her fever was higher than before. I begin to worry. She needs to get better.

The sun was rising, and Astrid was getting a little more violent. The gang gathered around to make sure she was going to be okay. And I hope she would be. It wasn't until she woke with a start, and sat straight up in bed that I knew she was going to be fine.


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