Coming Home

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Suggested by: @astrid_stormfly_hoff
A modern AU where Astrid returns home from the army after 5 years.



I bounced my knee as we rode. I was sitting in the back of an army truck being transported to the airport. He made it back to the main land late, and now we were catching flights home. I haven't seen him in over five years. Was he even going to remember what I looked like? If course he would. Why am I worrying so much?

The truck came to a stop at the airport. Grabbing my duffle bag from under the bench I stood and fell in line with the others. Jumping off the back Heather slapped me on the back. I flinched before relaxing into her touch.

Her duffle bag was slung over her shoulder as we walked into the airport. Some people stood at attention, while others stood to one side as they let us pass. Heather smiled at each one as we passed them. I tried my best, but I was so worried about seeing him again.

"Astrid, you need to relax. Our deployment is over. We can go home now," Heather said.

Heather shared a flight with me before she had a different flight home.

"Heather it's been five years. We haven't video chatted or anything. We were lucky to get a few letters back and forth. What if he doesn't recognize me?" I worried aloud to her.

She just laughed. "Do you really think your boyfriend of forever will forget you? Astrid, before you got deployed a second time you two were inseparable. He won't forget you."

"Still it's been five years. A lot can happen in five years."

"Astrid stop. You're worrying about this too much. Everything is going to be fine."

We came to a stop in the line of soldiers. We turned in our bags, and got our tickets to board the plane. Heather was able to switch with the person next to me, and sat beside me the whole ride home. I was a bag of nerves. I watched out the window the whole time. Watching the city of Berk come into view after a few hours.

The plane landed, and soldiers and veterans got off first. Which meant Heather, myself, and any other veterans got off. That's what I was now. A veteran.

I said goodbye to Heather as she left to catch her next flight home to her brother. I went down to the baggage return to get my duffle. Hiccup wasn't there when I got off, and he wasn't at the bag return. I was growing worried. Where was he?

I find my way back up to the entrance of the airport and found Ruff and Tuff standing there. A sign with my name on it in their hands. A huge grin on both of their faces. I laughed and walked over to them.

"What's this all about?" I asked as I hugged each of them.

"I'm afraid we are not able to tell you," Ruff said.

"It is a surprise for m'lady. Ruff will take your things and we are to escort you home," Tuff said.

Ruff took my bag away from me, and began to carry it. This was Hiccup's doing. Only he ever called me m'lady. I tried to grab my bag away from Ruff but stayed one step ahead of me.

I was ushered into their car and driven to Hiccup's home. "What's going on?" I ask getting out of the car.

The two just smiled at me and practically pushed me into the home. The moment I stepped in I found a trail of rose petals on the ground. Everyone lined up on either side. This was getting strange. As I follow the path each person hands me a rose so that I have a bouquet in my hands.

The trail led me out to the backyard where Hiccup stood before me. I could tell he was struggling to hold back. That he wanted to run up and never let me go. He had gotten older. He now had a prosthetic leg he wrote toe about after an accident. He had let his hair grow out a little so it now covered his forehead. There were dark circles under his eyes. No doubt sleepless nights counting the days until I'm home.

I made my way up to him, still in my army uniform.

"You're home," he said more to himself. Like he really wasn't believing it.

"And here I'll stay," I said shifting the flowers.

Without another word he got on one knee. I knew this was it. "Astrid, you know I'm not one for speeches. But here I go. These last five years have been unbearable without you. I haven't seen your face, or heard you laugh. But I want to make up for that. Please Astrid, will you marry me?"

I nod my head violently and discard the roses. "Yes!" I say, crashing my lips onto his, and falling into him. Making us both fall onto the ground with a soft thud. But I could care less. I was home, he was home.

When we both ran out of breath, we just laid on the grass holding each other. I never wanted to leave him again. Never for that long again. Never until death. But even death cannot keep us apart.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2019 ⏰

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