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It starts on an alternative version of the Omega universe; Undertale. It all begins when Alphys learns that there is something far more powerful than DETERMINATION that exists. JOY. Alphys immediately does a one-eighty and begins researching on that.

Alphys calls up Papyrus to be a test subject, since he is one of the most joyful monsters she knew. She ran through many testament, using Mettaton as her lab assistant and papyrus's soul for many of the experiments. 

Then, she does the breakthrough experiment. Or so she thinks. She directly connects Papyrus's soul to an extraction machine. It was supposed to take the essence, not the physical manifestation, of joy out of his soul and amplify as well as quantify it so it can be used instead of determination to make monsters stronger and possibly find a new way to open the barrier.

But like always, it goes wrong.

A giant pulse of joy changes the whole world into a pastel version of itself, fretting rid of anything unhappy and replacing it with JOY, or the JOY version of that object or monster. Papyrus's soul is shattered in the process and isn't unrepairable. However, Alphys is able to injection enough JOY and DETERMIANTION into papyrus that he is able to continue living.

Papyrus is too ashamed to head home, so he lives with Alphys in her lab of shame, where it's the only place where it was immune to the JOY because of the DETERMINATION excess all over. Alphys ends up moving to waterfall with Undyne. 

Mettaton and Papyrus live alone in the lab, trying to find a way to undo everything. But Alaska, neither of them were good scientists so it was all for naught. Papyrus and Mettaton form a relationship and bind unbreakable, contricting a loyalty between the two that cna never Ben broken.

Toriel now houses all children and they never want to leave because of her COMPASSION.

Sans now lives in a deeper depression and loneliness  but every day is learning to love woth it because of his ACCEPTANCE

Undyne and Alphys are living together because of their BOLDNESS and UNDERSTANDING

Mettaton protects papyrus and stays with him because of LOYALTY

Asgore collects any children that happen to leave toriel and waits to kill them u til he has all seven to break the barrier because of SELFLESSNESS

And flowey is dead Inside, taking on Both roles of Sans and himself from the Omega timeline. He is self aware that everything is just a game and has just given up. But he helps you because it's part of his code.

In this world...


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