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[ Taeyong | Kun | Jaehyun | Jeno | Lucas | Jungwoo | Jaemin ]

Jungwoo sighs as he wipes his forehead with his sleeve. Taking care of kids every day is tough, but even so, he still loves his job. He feels someone tugging his sleeve as he turns his head.

With a slight frown, it was Jeno who was fumbling his fingers. He looked up to Jungwoo and tries his best to tell him what had happened, but he couldn't hold his tears. "I got a boo-boo on my leggie."

Have no fear, Jungwoo is here to save the day! He strolls on over towards the cabinets and pulls out the trusty first-aid-kit. "Now Jeno, you have to be a big boy."

Every time Jeno hears the words 'big boy' coming out of Jungwoo's mouth, he takes a big gulp. That was the code name for the 'stinger' or as he would call it the spray that disinfects the open wound. Still, it was evil and Jeno dislikes evil things. "B—but I don't wanna be a big boy."

Jungwoo pouts while bending down to Jeno. He brushes his bangs and rubs his shoulder. For the sake of getting better, he has to look at the injured area, but he also doesn't want to force it upon him. "You know, big boys are very courageous. You aren't scared of anything, right?"

Pounding his little bitty chest, Jeno whips out his imaginary cape and widens his smile. "That's right! I'm Superman!"

Now, this was the boy Jungwoo grew fond of. Not even a little boo-boo can get in the way of his brave heart. "Now, I'm going to put this spray on your leg. It will only hurt for a second."

Wincing in pain, Jeno pouts. He was clearly lied to! It lasted for two seconds, but at least he got a cute Moomin band-aid to show his friends. "T—thank you, Jungwoo."

As Jeno walks on over to play with his friends, Kun, the other daycare aid, pats Jungwoo's shoulder. He gives him a warm smile along with a thumbs up. "Wow, you're a natural.

Jungwoo sucks the inside of his cheek and shakes his head. "No, I didn't. Jeno is the only boy who listens to me." He continues, pointing at Jaemin who was alone playing with some toy trucks. "How's Jaemin? I heard he still isn't talking to the other kids."

Sighing, Kun furrows his brows. He flicks his gaze to Jungwoo while rubbing his chin. "I tried talking to him, but he wouldn't talk back. It's going to take some time for him to open up."

Jungwoo blows his bangs with disappointment. That is true. It will take time since some kids need to get used to their surroundings first. After all, Jaemin has been here for a week and the other boys have been here longer. He's just worried about the potential isolation this might cause since boys tend to stay in their own circle. "I know. I just hope he would eventually speak to us and the other kids."

A/N: Someone hurry and kiss jeno's boo-boo away! 😈❤️

And an update! I'm finally done with exams! Yay, so I'll be catching up to majority of my stories and being sort of productive.

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