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[ Mark | Donghyuck | Kun | Jaehyun | Jeno | Lucas | Jungwoo | Jaemin ]

"I want to help with making the apple pie!" Jeno cheers as he holds Jaemin's hand up high. "My bestie will help me, too!"

Jaemin widens his eyes at the sound of hearing the word 'bestie' come out of Jeno's mouth. Doesn't that stand for best friend? Last time he checked, they weren't even in the phase of a friend, so how did he even end up like this? "Hey, you're not my best friend."

"W—what?" Jeno mutters as he starts to wipe his eyes. Oh no, there was that look again. How could Jaemin resist the cuteness of those puffy cheeks?

Looking the other direction, Jaemin intertwines his fingers into Jeno's palm and blushes. "I mean, we have to start things slow. You're my friend, okay?"

Jeno pouts and gazes into his eyes. Somehow, he doesn't like the sound of that and wants all of Jaemin's attention and friendship. It takes awhile for Jeno to agree considering this was as good as what it was going to get. "Fine. But, tomorrow we become best friends!"

"H—hey, that's not how it works," Jaemin replies, lips curving downwards.

Somehow, this little exchange made Jungwoo's heart warm up. It hasn't been too long since he was worried about Jaemin making new friends. Even though it takes a longer time for him to get adjusted to this new environment, Jungwoo is glad Jaemin made his first friend. "You two are so cute!"

While Jungwoo was busy teaching Jeno how to slide the apples with a plastic knife, Lucas barges into the kitchen with Donghyuck and Mark. He sports a stiff smile as he tries to push away an angry Donghyuck from hugging his leg.

"This little guy said if I didn't allow him in the kitchen, he would bite my leg off." Lucas sighs, gazing at Donghyuck who was giving his best attempt at munching away Lucas's left leg. "Good thing his teeth aren't fully grown yet."

Mark makes his usual 'disappointed, but not surprised' face. Oh, don't look at him! He didn't want to even set foot in the kitchen. It's just that Donghyuck somehow wanted to see where Jeno and Jaemin went to and Mark happened to tag along with this idiot. Never associated him and Donghyuck together. N-e-v-e-r!

"What happened to you?" Jungwoo chuckles, pointing at the little mini pigtails on Lucas's head. "You look adorable."

Lucas shakes his head as he delivers the biggest sigh towards Jungwoo. The little brat wanted to play house and it just so happened Donghyuck thought it would be the best idea ever to have him play the part of being a baby girl. "Don't even ask. I'm never playing with these two ever again."

"Hey, don't associate me with him!" Mark furrows his brows, looking at Donghyuck who was grinning towards him. "Stop, even if you smile to me I'm still mad at you for dragging me into this."

Jungwoo and Lucas both laugh at how Mark was trying to deny his obvious friendship towards Donghyuck. These two always bicker with each other, but really they are inseparable.

"Do you two want to help with making Jeno's apple pie?" Jungwoo asks, pointing to the two uncut apples. "There's still some apples left—

"Yes! Pwease." Jeno flops his arms, urging for his two friends to help him out with cutting the apples. "The more the marry!"

Jaemin elbows Jeno and crinkles his nose. "That's not how you're supposed to say it." He continues, teaching Jeno a thing or two about how to correctly say the phrase. "It's the more the merrier."

"Y—you want to marry me?" Jeno gasps, making a sound with his lips. It was quite obvious that question took Jaemin by surprise considering his face was flushed a bright pink while all eyes were on him. "Pinky promise?"

Jungwoo and Lucas both blinked at the sight Jeno potentially proposing to Jaemin about marriage. For a second there Lucas was imagining his little brother walking the aisle with some little shoes and—

"You idiot, stop imagining things!" Jungwoo smacks his head as he narrows his eyes to Lucas. "FYI, they're kids. They aren't going to marry until they turn 35."

Lucas pushes back his chin and snorts at Jungwoo. Well, this pretty much confirms he's pretty old-fashioned. Kids these days have their first kiss at the age of 5 and this old man here thinks Jeno and Jaemin can wait until they're 35? Nah. "So tell me, when are you going to get married?"

"I'm not," Jungwoo whispers, averting Lucas's gaze. "I haven't found the right person, yet."

Furrowing his eyebrows, Lucas frowns a little. He has this disgusting smirk on his face, which immediately sends Jungwoo wanting to give him a knuckle sandwich. "What are you talking about? I'm right here."

Whoops it's been 5 days since the last update. I was like, better update! 😈
So just to tell you guys, the upcoming chapters won't be that soft 😢 the conflict is going to start now.

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