The Final Chapter

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I gasped for air and panted heavily. My eyes opened and I was surrounded by bright light. I looked around frantically to see pale white curtains to my left, with a dreary sunlight pouring in.

The room was gray, a TV on the wall, some cabinets, a large blue curtain blocking my view of the rest of the room.

I lifted my arm into my field of view. A needle was stuck in, a tube connecting it to an IV. 

I was in a hospital bed. I relaxed and breathed. I was ok.

Something soft and plush rested next to me. I grabbed it and lifted it to my face. It was a brown teddy bear with a black bow tie and top hat. 

"Freddy...?" I muttered.

I sat up slowly, some light pain throbbing up my back. I held the plushie in my hands. I sat like this for what felt like an hour.

I heard the door to the room open. I looked as the curtain was drawn and a nurse stood there. She looked at me in shock.

She jogged out of the room. "Doctor! He's awake!"

A few moments passed as I continued to examine the doll. The doctor entered. He was a kindly looking man.

"Logan, how are you feeling?" He asked calmly.

I looked up at him, feeling very confused. "I feel fine." 

My voice sounded so weird to me. It was high, like a child's yet I felt so aged, like an adult.

"Doctor? What year is it?" I asked.

"It's 1990." He answered. "You've been asleep for 6 years. You're 16 years old."

I looked back at the plushie. "Where's my mom?" I asked.

"She's already been called and is on her way."

Almost as soon as he said that, my mom came into the room. "Logan!" She gasped.

She ran to me and hugged me lightly. I hugged back and began to cry. She held me in her arms for a while as I let out my sobs.

"Can we go home?" I asked after I'd calmed down.

"Of course sweetie." She replied.

We went home after that. I slept in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar house. The next day, I awoke around noon.

I casually walked from my room and into the living room where my mom was watching TV. I sat beside her and she hugged me again. "Good morning."

"Good morning mom." I replied.

"I almost expected you not to walk from your room this morning..." She said sadly. "Just like you haven't done for six years."

"Oh." I simply replied.

I honestly wondered how my life was supposed to go on. I'd missed six years of my life, lying in a hospital bed. No one had even told me what happened.

"Mom, can you tell me what happened?" I asked.

She nodded slowly. "Well, you were at John's birthday party. It was at Freddy's, the pizza place you liked so much."

I felt my stomach drop. It existed?!

"Um, some guy was dressed in a yellow Freddy suit. I guess he was an ex employee or something." Your mom explained. "He uh...he lured you to the back and..."

She began to tear up. "He stabbed you...Luckily the day guard arrived just in time to stop the guy and get help..."

"And I was asleep for all that time?" I asked.

Five Nights at Freddy's: The Final Chapter [Book 10]Where stories live. Discover now