Kidnapped By a Werewolf -2-

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Hey, sorry for the late upload, been pretty busy. I'll try to upload faster now! 




Chapter Two:

Anna looked up at the sky and followed the small yellow light with her eyes. It looked like a star that was moving, but she knew better. The satellite moved through space above her as she stretched again and rolled onto her side. The ground was uncomfortable and she had been up for hours, but somehow Matt was able to fall asleep straight away. Sometimes he confused her.

Whatever, she thought, as she rolled over and stared at the sky for the millionth time. I guess it was a good thing that they had never put up the tent or she might have been bored out of her mind. They had sat by the fire for hours, just talking about whatever came to mind and forgot altogether about the stupid tent. Looking over at Matt a few feet away, she rolled onto her side again and propped herself up with her elbow.

"Matt," Anna whispered. Waiting a few seconds he didn't move. That's what she gets for whispering when she clearly wants them awake. Picking up a tent post from beside her she poked Matts side lightly and whispered again.

"Maaaaaaatt," Anna rolled her eyes and jabbed the pole into his side, quickly putting it down and dropping to the ground pretending she was sleeping. Matt jumped up and looked around, a terrified expression on his face.

"What the hell was that?" He yelled, clearly not caring that Anna was sleeping beside him. Faking a yawn and stretching her arms in the air Anna sat up and looked at him.

"What was what?" Raising an eyebrow she continued to stare as he furiously looked around the forest. 

"I swear something just touched me!"

Anna suppressed a giggle and looked around in mock confusion. "I don't see anything."

"Whatever." Matt crossed his arms and looked straight ahead of him, looking like a 5 year old that didn't get that new toy they wanted. At this Anna burst into laughter and fell back onto her sleeping bag, holding her stomach and rolling around.

"What's so funny?" Matt glared at her, "Something could have tried to eat me!" Anna burst into another fit of laughter.

"No creature in its right mind would want to eat you!"

"Oh yes they would! I'm sure I'm plenty tasty!"

"Uhh, no way. If they did try, they clearly have no taste. That or they were desperate."

"I don't know why I hang out with you sometimes." Matt looked over at Anna and back to the forest, an angry expression on his face.

"Awww, common Matty! I didn't mean it!" Anna crawled out of the sleeping bag and over to him, staring up at him like a puppy. "I'm sure animals would love to eat you."

Matt looked down at her and smiled, "Damn right they would!" He wrapped his arms around her in a giant bear hug, squeezing her more than necessary.

"Hey! I get it! No need to crush me!" Anna choked out before Matt let her go, letting the air rush back into her lungs. After gasping a few times, Anna punched him in the arm as hard as she could and laid down on the dirt.

Matt looked down at her and smiled again, "You know you really need to work on your upper arm strength a little more."

"Shut up."


Walking over a fallen tree he smelled the air, they were near. Laughter erupted in the distance and he set out in a run once more. The sound was getting closer.

After a few minutes he stopped behind two large bushes and lay down. The campers were directly in front of him, only shielded by the small amount of foliage in front of him. They were just lying on the ground, the guy in a sleeping bag and a girl in the dirt. The wolf raised an eyebrow, not a big gentleman is he.

Lifting his head for a better look he assessed the two. The female was of average height with long brown hair that fell past her shoulders. It was wavy in places and straight in others, but surprisingly didn't look too bad. The guy was covered in a sleeping bag but was still visible. He had dirty-blond hair that fell into his eyes and was fairly built.

Standing up from his resting place he pushed past the bushes in front of him with his muzzle, making more noise than necessary. It was always more fun if they heard and saw you coming first. Both of the campers looked over at the same time. The girl was closer and you could see her eyes widen in recognition. The male wasn't any different, he just stared with the same horror-stricken expression, not moving an inch. Damn, it's way more fun when they scream.

Crouching down, the wolf prepared himself for the attack when something in his mind went off. It was just like the feeling you have when you know something is behind you, but you can't see it. It meant he was near.

Looking around an idea hit him and he leapt into the air, landing beside the male. Both campers were still frozen in place either from fear, or they decided to follow that stupid rule parents tell their children. If you don't do anything to them, they won't do anything to you. Okay, animals aren't blind so it clearly doesn't matter.

Looking around to make sure he was still alone he looked over at the male in front of him. Poor sucker. Opening his muzzle dramatically he bit down on the males shoulder with as much force as possible. Yelling in agony the male clenched his shoulder, clearly out of the trance he was in a moment ago. Now for the girl.

Looking over at the girl she let out an ear splitting scream and fell to the ground. Had she really just fainted? The wolf walked around the male who was still yelling in pain and sniffed the girl. Yep, she fainted.

Walking back over to the male he phased back into a human. His black hair fell in his eyes, but shook it out of the way quickly, there was no time for this. Rising to his feet he stood over the male and looked in his face, this poor guy had no clue what the hell was going on. Giving a chuckle he curled his hand into a fist and connected it with the males left eye.

Stepping back he looked at his work, right shoulder bitten, left eye soon to be black. Perfect. Walking back to the girl he picked her up and ran out of the clearing.

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