Kidnapped By A Werewolf -3-

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Hey!  Here's another chapter, hope you enjoy it!




Chapter Three:

The trees rushed past as he bolted through the forest at full speed, his chocolate fur catching in bushes and small trees, but there was no time to stop and worry.  Jumping over a line of foliage he let out a silent yelp and rolled in the air, just nearly avoiding a camper sleeping on the ground.  The world spun rapidly around him as he hit the ground, sliding through the dirt and stopping only after smashing into a tree.

Damn it!  He thought, getting up dizzily and turning around to look at the person he had almost landed on.   Shadows covered the clearing, but he was able to see everything clearly when he was a wolf.  There was someone lying in a sleeping bag only a few feet away, surrounded in tent-poles and dirt.  Yeah, camping sounds like fun.  Giving a roll of the eyes he walked over, stopping suddenly when he took in the blood stained ground surrounding him.  There was a large gash in his right shoulder, strongly resembling a bite mark, and his left eye was beginning to turn black.

No, he thought to himself, stepping back slowly, it couldn't.  A rush of cold filled him, crawling up his spine like a parasite, his racing heart beating loudly against the silence of the night.  Backing up slowly he shook his head and closed his eyes.  No.  Quickly turning, he ran into the forest as fast as he could, there was no way this was happening again.  Not to me.

Crashing through the forest, the logs snapped beneath his feet as he ran as fast and as far as he possibly could.  His mind raced as the darkness rushed past him, every shadow starting to come alive to haunt him.  It wasn't my fault, his mind raced as he ran, it wasn't my fault.  Snapping his head to the side, he saw something dark bolt by.  There is nothing there.  It is only me.  I am alone.  Looking around in terror he began to pick up speed.  There's nothing there!  All of a sudden his paw connected with a protruding root, sending him soaring through the air, hitting the hard dirt ground and skidding to a halt.

The dirt was cold beneath his face as he lay there.  There was no use.  It was his fault, he had let it happen.  The memory raced through his mind as a single tear escaped, staining his fur.  Opening his eyes he looked around at the black surrounding him, covering the brown of the dirt.  Rubbing his face on the ground, he wiped away the tear and stood slowly.  It might have been his fault, but he isn't going to let it happen again.  He was going to make up for it.

Turning abruptly he bound back towards the campsite.


Anna rubbed her eyes and sat up slowly.  The lights were brighter than she remembered; her room had one light bulb so it barely counted as a light.  Apparently that's all you needed according to her dad, why have two when you can have one!  Opening her eyes slowly to the light she tensed.  This wasn't her room.  Three walls were a bright red, while the last was painted with a large black and white picture of a cityscape.  Aside from the black bed there were only two other objects in the room.  A small wooden desk sat in the corner while a large white couch with black pillows lay against the wall with the city.  Surprisingly the room was actually quite nice, almost the way she had wanted it.

Throwing the covers off of herself, she turned and placed her feet on the cold wooden floors.  It was always so nice to put your bare feet on a cool floor after sleeping, but it could just be her.  Standing up she walked over to the desk and looked around, but there was nothing there aside from one empty picture frame.  Walking around she noticed that there were absolutely no personal items in this room, not even the frame was personalized!

Letting out a sigh she looked over at the white door.  I guess it's time to figure out where I am.  Tip toeing over she turned the knob slowly and looked out.  It was a small apartment with black walls and white furniture.  A large open area made up the left side of the apartment, two white couches and a chair placed to make a square with the television that was probably on the wall beside her door.  A large window made up most of the wall to the left, showing a large city, almost like the one wall of the bedroom.  To the other side was a small kitchen, it too had white counters, white fridge, white table, and white chairs.  Suddenly something moved in the kitchen and she held in a scream.  Closing the door with an unnecessary slam she leaned against it.  There was a guy out there, in the kitchen.

Anna jumped as she felt someone try to open the door, holding it closed with all of her might.  The door opened after his second attempt and Anna took a few steps back to get out of the way, there was no way she could win this battle.  The door opened, showing the guy from the kitchen.  He was relatively tall with long black hair that fell into his face, and was well built, wearing a black shirt to match his hair.  No wonder I couldn't hold the door closed.  He's huge!  Looking at him again she wiped her face of expression and stared up at him.

"Stay in this room."  He said, his face completely serioius.

"Or what?" she replied, smirking, "You gonna kidnap me?"

"Yes, actually." He said with a smirk to match hers.  "Now stay in here."  Turning around in one swift motion he closed the door behind him.  Anna raised an eyebrow, why stay in one room?  I'm already kidnapped.  Opening the door in exaggeration she walked out into the apartment.

"So, whatcha cookin?" She asked casually, walking up and leaning against the counter beside him.

"I thought I told you to stay in that room." He said with no expression, turning away from her to go open a cupboard only to close it and move on to the next one.

"Yeah," wandering over she followed behind him as he rampaged through cupboards, "it wasn't much fun, so I decided not to."

"Well I'm sorry if it's not something fun," turning around he crossed his arms and leaned against the cupboard to look at her, "but that's not my problem now is it?"  Smirking, he took a few steps and scooped her up over his shoulder.  "Now this time you are going to stay in there.  Why?  Because I told you too."  Chuckling he walked over to the bedroom, bouncing more than necessary and threw her down on the bed before walking out and closing the door.

"Fine," Anna murmured to herself.


"Are you Christopher?" The nurse stood in front of him, looking down intently.

"Chris." He corrected, standing from his chair in the waiting room.  He had gone back for the man in the forest, carrying him out as fast as he could in human form, but he was worried it may not have been fast enough.  He had finally gotten him to the hospital, and they were able to figure out his name from previous records.  Apparently "Matt" got hurt a lot more than people should.

A worried look crossed her face as she looked down the hall.  "About Matt.."

Okay, so I hope you liked it and I have A LOT more free time now, so I promise I will be updating more.  And about Matt.. what do you think should happen to him?  I already have it ready, but I want to see what you think. :p

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